Department of Mechanical Engineering - Faculty of Engineering, KDU

Eng. Lakmal Isuru delivered a guest lecture on "Career Pathways of Mechanical Engineer in the Field of Building Services Engineering"

February 16, 2024
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On February 14, 2024, students from the Faculty of Engineering (FOE) at the General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University had the distinct honour of attending a guest lecture delivered by Eng. Lakmal Isuru, a highly esteemed expert in the field of Mechanical and Building Services Engineering.

Eng. Isuru, currently holding the positions of Director/CEO of Design and Project Management at DeMEP Consultancy (Pvt) Ltd, Building Services Engineering Consultant for Nexgen Engineering Studio Hayleys, Visiting Lecturer for the City School of Architecture, and Chairman of the Building Services Engineering Sectional Committee of the Institution of Engineers in Sri Lanka, shared his extensive knowledge and experience with the students.

The event, meticulously coordinated by Senior Lecturer Mr. RMRC Udayananda, was graced by the esteemed presence of Senior Lecturer Mrs. PPSS Pussepitiya and other esteemed faculty members. Approximately 50 students from both intakes (39 and 40) specializing in Mechanical, Mechatronic, and Building Services Engineering actively participated in the enriching session.

Commencing at 3:00 PM, the event was expertly compered by D/S Sandali. Mrs. PPSS Pussepitiya delivered a warm welcome address, offering a brief introduction to Eng. Isuru's distinguished career before inviting him to the podium.

Eng. Isuru embarked on his insightful lecture with a comprehensive overview of the history of Mechanical Engineering, followed by a detailed exploration of the diverse sub-disciplines encompassed within this vast field. He then transitioned to the topic eagerly awaited by the students: the diverse career opportunities open to Mechanical Engineering graduates. While acknowledging the potential challenges of securing employment in certain engineering specializations like automotive and aerospace within Sri Lanka, Eng. Isuru emphatically highlighted the immense opportunities flourishing in the realm of Building Services Engineering for graduates from Mechanical, Mechatronic, and Civil Engineering backgrounds.

His captivating presentation meticulously outlined the 16 distinct sub-disciplines falling under Building Services Engineering, emphasizing those with the highest job availability. Drawing upon his own remarkable career journey, Eng. Isuru shared his inspiring experiences as a Mechanical Engineering graduate from the University of Peradeniya (2008), detailing his professional growth at Shin Nippon, where he honed his expertise in designing and implementing HVAC, fire, and plumbing systems for prominent buildings. He generously imparted valuable insights into navigating the job market and setting achievable career goals.

Eng. Isuru further dispensed invaluable advice on career selection and the dedication required to achieve personal aspirations. The engaged audience actively participated throughout the lecture, seizing the opportunity to pose thoughtful questions during the dedicated Q&A session.

Eng. Isuru's captivating blend of expertise and enthusiasm resonated deeply with the students, igniting their interest in the burgeoning field of Building Services Engineering. His insightful lecture undoubtedly proved invaluable for students at a pivotal juncture in their academic journey, elucidating the diverse career paths and exciting opportunities awaiting them in this dynamic field.

The event concluded at 5:00 PM with a heartfelt Vote of Thanks delivered by D/S Shenali De Silva, expressing the students' sincere gratitude to Eng. Isuru for sharing his knowledge and inspiration.