Department of Aeronautical Engineering - Faculty of Engineering, KDU

Awareness Session by SEDS SL

March 17, 2023
Web Master


An awareness session that ignited the passion for space exploration was hosted by the representatives of the Students for the Exploration and Development of Space of Sri Lanka (SEDS SL) on March 17th, 2023. The session welcomed distinguished guests from SEDS SL's leadership, including the Chair, members, and the SEDS KDU Executive Committee, alongside esteemed faculty.

Following a warm welcome and updates on SEDS KDU's exciting initiatives, the event's highlight arrived: an insightful session led by Mr. M.Z. Hassan, Publication Manager of SEDS Sri Lanka. Mr. Hassan's captivating presentation unveiled the world of SEDS, shedding light on SEDS Earth, SEDS Sri Lanka, and the unique opportunities that come with being part of this dynamic community. He delved into the diverse and innovative projects undertaken by SEDS Sri Lanka, inspiring active participation, and collaboration. Notably, SEDS KDU proudly stood as the newest addition to the vibrant SEDS Sri Lankan Community. The session culminated in an engaging Q&A session, fostering open dialogue and knowledge exchange.