FLB 1: Quality Assurance and Academic Development Committee

Faculty Academic Administrative Board 1 comprises two standing committees – the Internal Quality Assurance Committee (IQAC) and the Academic Development and Planning Committee (ADPC). The IQAC engages in an ongoing effort to ensure that all parties involved, with a primary focus on students, receive services in accordance with the anticipated quality benchmarks. The ADPC serves the purpose of revising, reviewing and regulating curriculums of degrees offered by the Faculty of Engineering. The committee works in close collaboration with all departments to ensure that the standards of all degree programs meet the quality requirements specified by the Institutions of Engineers Sri Lanka (IESL) and the University Grants Commission (UGC). 

Committee Members

01Prof. JP KarunadasaAdvisor
02Prof. WCDK FernandoAdvisor
03Mr.KM VignarajahChairperson
04Dr. TA MadanayakaDeputy Chairperson
05Mr. SLMD RangajeewaMember
06Mr. NS RathnayakeMember
07Ms. PN KarunanayakeMember
08Mr. IUE NaotunnaMember
09Mr. RMRC UdayanandanaMember
10Mr. MKAJ MaldeniyaMember
11LCdr RDMHM AriyarathnaMember
12Mr. SP GajanayakeMember
13Mr. KG SamarawickramaDeputy Convener
14Mr. PSH PallemullaConvener
15Ms.K VidanapathiranaMember