Department of Electrical, Electronic & Telecommunication Engineering - Faculty of Engineering, KDU

External Examiners

EE Degree Programme

Prof. W. D. A. S Wijayapala
MEng (UOM), BSc Eng (Hons) (UOM), FIE(SL), Int. Peng(SL)
External Examiner
Head/Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Moratuwa

MEng (UOM), BSc Eng (Hons) (UOM), FIE(SL), Int. Peng(SL)

Field of Teaching

Renewable Energy, Energy Systems, Project Management

Dr. W. D Prasad
PhD (Manitoba), MPhil (UoM), BSc Eng (UoM), MIEEE
External Examiner
Senior Lecturer Grade I, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Moratuwa

PhD (Manitoba), MPhil (UoM), BSc Eng (UoM), MIEEE

Field of Teaching

Power Systems, Renewable Energy, Power Electronics