EE | Smart Baby Cradle System | RL Senarath | C/ENG/21/6085/EE |
GAS leakage alert system | EMDJ Ekanayaka | C/ENG/21/6089/EE |
GSM based Laser Security System | ADR Dilshan | C/ENG/21/6090/EE |
Alcohol detection and engine locking system | WPS Akalanka | C/ENG/21/6094/EE |
Next generation scarecrow | MHNA Dayananda | C/ENG/21/6101/EE |
Blind stick using ultrasonic sensor | KRV Perera | C/ENG/21/6103/EE |
Metal detector system | GASA Abhayawardhana | C/ENG/21/6106/EE |
Wind driven bulbs for highway lights | WMTD Senarathna | C/ENG/21/6109/EE |
Home made electromagnetic coil | GADS Godamune | C/ENG/21/6121/EE |
Solar powered automatic Street light system | KPGUS Karunathilaka | C/ENG/21/6128/EE |
Automatic Plant Watering System | ADK Aluthge | C/ENG/21/6130/EE |
Poluted air detection & absorber system | AJMRV Jayasundara | C/ENG/21/6133/EE |
Human – Animal Ultrasonic Communicator | WATL Kumara | D/ENG/21/0029/EE |
Battery recharging method for lamppole cell towers | BMU Harshajith | D/ENG/21/0031/EE |
Cost efficient solar panel cleaner | MASM Perera | D/ENG/21/0060/EE |
Laptop power bank for university student | WMMDD Thilakarathne | D/ENG/21/0062/EE |
Chess movement recorder and analyser | PM Yakupitiyage | D/ENG/21/0068/EE |
Smart cloth drying and monitoring system | WHAGC Wickramasinghe | D/ENG/21/0071/EE |
Mini Power Inverter with improved efficiency | KV Wickramanayake | D/ENG/21/0073/EE |
Robo waiter | AUC Perera | D/ENG/21/0079/EE |
Human Following Shopping Cart with Automated Billing System | WMKRK Fernando | D/ENG/21/0085/EE |
Electric bicycle | PTS Sannasgala | D/ENG/21/0095/EE |
Designing a wireless mobile charger | KNM Peiris | D/ENG/21/0096/EE |
LiDAR based obstacle detection robot | SVF De Silva | D/ENG/21/0105/EE |
Car crash detection & prevention system | MWM Shakir | D/ENG/21/0108/EE |
A System of Automated Reflector Panels for Concentrated Solar Power | YMSS Punchibandara | D/ENG/21/0109/EE |
Gesture and sound controlled LED table lamp | NL Hettiarachchi | D/ENG/21/0114/EE |
Regenerating Wheel System | IPTPDB Nikaweratiya | D/ENG/21/0118/EE |
Diagram drawing machines | DLSA Dahanayake | D/ENG/21/0121/EE |
IoT enabled electronic medical infusion pump using microcontroller | NVCS Samarasinghe | D/ENG/21/0124/EE |
Power generation using speed breaker | ML Hewapathirana | D/ENG/21/0127/EE |
Real time humadity and temperature condition monitoring system for food store | AGANN Gunasekara | D/ENG/21/0129/EE |
Rain dependent wiper for vehicles | WKSudeshka | D/ENG/21/0131/EE |
CO2 level control system in a building | I Wijerama | D/ENG/21/0138/EE |
Electrical Power usage Controlling and Monitoring System using smart plug socket & Switches | KHM Nilhara | D/ENG/21/0152/EE |
Power generation using sea waves | LAHS Perera | D/ENG/21/0154/EE |
ET | IOT based plant fertilizing system | HMAT Herath | D/ENG/19/0009/ET |
Google Assistant Pet Feeder | JALM Jayaweera | C/ENG/20/5847/ET |
Accident alert with GPS tracker | PDTN Dakshina | C/ENG/21/6092/ET |
Greenhouse Automation System | MAKB Jayatilleke | C/ENG/21/6093/ET |
Wireless Underwater Communication System in Infrared | PAPB Pathirana | C/ENG/21/6095/ET |
Mobile Charging On Coin Insertion | MRMPE Ranasinghe | C/ENG/21/6098/ET |
Smart Fertilizer system | MGP Bimsara | C/ENG/21/6102/ET |
Water level detector system | RMID Rathnayake | C/ENG/21/6107/ET |
Arduino Based Automatic floor Sweeper and mopper | WMEGDB Elliyadda | C/ENG/21/6117/ET |
Wifi door lock and door open notification system | GWSD Aluvihare | C/ENG/21/6118/ET |
Mini CNC plotter using arduino | AWADI Piumantha | C/ENG/21/6126/ET |
Rain sensing automatic car wiper | KVDV Nirmani | C/ENG/21/6139/ET |
Automatic climate monitoring control & irrigation system for greenhouse | SWK Athukorala | C/ENG/21/6140/ET |
Head motion controlled wheel chair | RD Jothirathna | C/ENG/21/6142/ET |
IOT Based home garage assistance system | SH Wanniarachchi | D/ENG/20/0004/ET |
Driver drowsiness detection & accident Alert system | GAPK Gunasinghe | D/ENG/21/0002/ET |
GPS Tracking Smart Blind Stick With An Emergency Alert Unit | PMSA Sathsarani | D/ENG/21/0003/ET |
Automatic Trolly for a Warehouse | MPG Perera | D/ENG/21/0005/ET |
Smart Bike Anti Theft Security System | MHDCV Masakkara | D/ENG/21/0015/ET |
Smart Shopping Cart with Automated Billing | TV Indrakumara | D/ENG/21/0016/ET |
Smart glasses paired with a walking stick for blind people | MGB P Charaka | D/ENG/21/0017/ET |
Lie Detector | YS Rodrigo | D/ENG/21/0022/ET |
Smart irrigation and monitoring system for outdoor crops | RMNN Weerawickrama | D/ENG/21/0026/ET |
IOT IV bag monitoring and alert system | BHMD Wijesinghe | D/ENG/21/0032/ET |
Efficient Smart Home Using IOT and Arduino | NT Sandanayake | D/ENG/21/0034/ET |
Rain and light intensity sensing motorised umbrella backpack | HAHS Hewaarachchi | D/ENG/21/0037/ET |
Smart Surveillance System | BC Dissanayake | D/ENG/21/0039/ET |
IOT based smart LP Gas leakage detector | BMDP Rathnayake | D/ENG/21/0046/ET |
Multipurpose system for shopping malls using piezo plates | SM Liyanage | D/ENG/21/0050/ET |
Alchol detection with Ignition lock | KR Walawege | D/ENG/21/0052/ET |
Smart street light system with Emergency Strategy | EGSM Gunathilake | D/ENG/21/0053/ET |
Bicycle with a smart helmet and safety system | IAMH Illukthanna | D/ENG/21/0059/ET |
Smart pill dispenser | KDBR Siriwardena | D/ENG/21/0074/ET |
NPR based Fuel Dispensing System | ATM Arachchige | D/ENG/21/0081/ET |
Smart digital school bell with timetable display | RDSA Somasiri | D/ENG/21/0116/ET |
Gesture Controlled Glove for a Millitary Team's communication | KT Sehan | D/ENG/21/0120/ET |
Smart Scarecrow | HNMDZ Siriwarrdena | D/ENG/21/0125/ET |
LED bike vest | NAJH Jayasena | D/ENG/21/0134/ET |
Smart Safety Helmet for Construction Sites | AWSAB Weerakoon | D/ENG/21/0135/ET |
IOT Based Garbage Monitoring System | BMSA Basnayake | D/ENG/21/0137/ET |