Department of Electrical, Electronic & Telecommunication Engineering - Faculty of Engineering, KDU

Mr. IMCWB Kohombakadawala

Lecturer (Probationary)
  • Qualifications
  • Qualifications

    • BSc. (Hons) in Biomedical Engineering (KDU) (First Class)
    • MSc. in Medical Physics (UOC) (Reading)
  • Teaching Areas
  • Teaching Areas

    Medical Instrumentation

  • Research Interests
  • Research Interests

    • Medical Imaging
    • Medical Instrumentation
  • Publications
  • Publications

    • Kohombakadawala I.M.C.W.B., Hewadikaram D., Chandratilake M.N. Designing and Development of a Wearable Direct Ophthalmoscopy Simulator”. Proceedings, College of Medical Educationists Sri Lanka (CME) Colombo Conference on Medical Education 2019. page 87
  • Working Experience
  • Working Experience

    • Trainee Biomedical Engineer – Division of Biomedical Engineering Services, Ministry of Health. (From 2017/07 to 2017/12)
    • Biomedical Engineer – Technomedics International Pvt. Ltd. (From 2018/12 to 2021/04)
  • Awards
  • Awards

    • Awarded the Trophy for Best Student in Biomedical Engineering at general convocation of KDU 2018/2019
    • Placed in the Vice Chancellor’s list for academic excellence with a YGPA of 3.92, 3.97, 3.9 and 3.9 in the academic years 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018, respectively.
  • Projects & Research
  • Projects & Research

    • Designing and Development of a Wearable Direct Ophthalmoscopy Simulator
    • Development of Electroencephalography (EEG) Signal Capturing Module