Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, Michigan
Master of Science in Physics 2011
University Of Colombo, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Bachelor of Science 2006
Physics, Pure Math, Applied Math, Computer science and Nuclear science
Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, Michigan
Master of Science in Physics 2011
University Of Colombo, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Bachelor of Science 2006
Physics, Pure Math, Applied Math, Computer science and Nuclear science
Central Michigan University, Department of Physics, Mount Pleasant, Michigan
Research in Nuclear Medicine (Medical Physics).Using a Monte Carlo simulation package Called FLUKA, penetration of heavy ions(12C) and protons into the human body was studied. Heavy ions and protons are used to treat cancer. An unintended consequence of these cancer treatments are cellular damage due to stray neutrons. Stray neutron dose at different angles and lengths were also calculated. A new mathematical model was developed to calculate the in-body stray neutron equivalent dose at different distances from a patient. Findings of this research project will lead to improvement of cancer treatments using heavy ions and protons.
University of Colombo, Colombo, Sri Lanka
General Sir John Kothelawala Defense University, Faculty of Engineering Ratmalana, Sri Lanka
Faculty September 2012- present
Central Michigan University, Department of Physics/Mathematics, Mount Pleasant, Michigan
Faculty January 2011- May 2012
Teaching Assistant August 2008- December 2010
University of Colombo, Department of Nuclear Science, Colombo, Sri.Lanka
Instructor May 2006-July 2008
SAS (Base Programming for SAS 9)
Origin 7.0
FLUKA (Fully integrated particle physics Monte Carlo simulation package)
GENIE 2000 (3.0) (Gamma Ray Spectroscopy analyzing software)
Completed the requirements for First Aid conducted by American Red Cross in 2012
International Cricket club, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant Michigan
Member of the basket ball team, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka 2003-2006
South Asian Games 2006, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Student council library, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka