Department of Electrical, Electronic & Telecommunication Engineering - Faculty of Engineering, KDU

Major DMSS Delgamuwa

B.Sc. Sp. Electrical and Electronic Engineering, KDU
Lecturer (Probationary)
  • Qualifications
  • Qualifications

    Bachelor of Science (Specialized in Electrical and Electronic Engineering), Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka

    Msc in Telecommunication (Reading) UOM

  • Projects & Research
  • Projects & Research

    • Member of the VOICE RECOGNITION WHEELCHAIR project published in KDU International Research Symposium – 2013.
    • Member of the GPS-guided Military vehicle project in Sri Lanka Signal Corps.
    • Research Project Officer of the National Cyber Security Systems project at Cyber Security Section at Center for Research & Development, Ministry of Defence.
    • Member of Gesture Controlled Glove for Military Teams Silent Communication project published in KDU International Research Symposium – 2023.
    • Member of Smart Gass leak management System project published in KDU International Research Symposium – 2023.
    • Member of Modern accident alert system for vehicles using GPS technology project published in KDU International Research Symposium – 2023.
  • Working Experience
  • Working Experience

    • Officer Commanding (Communication Adviser) at Signal Squadron at Armored Brigade. (Jan 2017 – Jan 2018)
    • Telecommunication Engineer at 12th Regiment Sri Lanka Signal Corps. (Jan 2018 – Mar 2019)
    • Research Project Officer at Center for Research & Development- Ministry of Defence. (Mar 2019 – Nov 2019)
    • Officer Instructor for Young Officers Communication Courses in School of Signals – Kandy. (Jan 2020 – Apr 2020)
  • Memberships
  • Memberships

    • Member Institute of Engineering & Technology (MIET)
    • AMIESL