Department of Electrical, Electronic & Telecommunication Engineering - Faculty of Engineering, KDU

Prof. Dr. -Ing. Thushara Weerawardane

BSc (Moratuwa), MSc (Germany), PhD (Germany), CEng (UK), MIEEE, MCSSL
Professor - Dean
Professor of Electronic & Telecommunication
  • Qualifications
  • Qualifications

    • Doctoral Degree with Distinction in Mobile Broadband Communication, University of Bremen, Germany, from 2006 to 2010.
    • Master’s Degree with Distinction in Communication and Information Technology (CIT), University of Bremen, Germany, from 2002 to 2004.
    • Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, from 1994 to 1998.
  • Publications
  • Publications

    Books and Book Chapters

    • Thushara Weerawardane, Optimization and Performance Analysis of High-Speed Mobile Access Networks”, Vieweg und Teubner, 2011, ISBN: 978-3-8348-1709-9.
    • Xi Li, Thushara Weerawardane, Y Zaki, C Görg and A Timm-Giel, Book: Recent Advances in Broadband Integrated Network Operations and Services Management, Book Chapter: Shared Transport for Different Radio Broadband Mobile Technologies, pages 135-159. IGI Global Publisher, 2011. ISBN: 978-1-60960-589-6.
    • Xi Li, Y Zaki, Thushara Weerawardane, A Timm-Giel and GC Malafronte, Book: Networking and Telecommunications: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications, Book Chapter: Use of Traffic Separation Techniques for the Transport of HSPA and R99 Traffic in the Radio Access Network with Differentiated Quality of Service, pages 863-878. IGI Global Publisher, 2010. ISBN: 978-1-60566-9861.
    • Markus Becker, Thushara Weerawardane, Xi Li and C Görg, Book Chapter: Shared Transport for Different Radio Broadband Mobile Technologies, Book: Recent Advances in Modelling and Simulation Tools for Communication Networks and Services pages 241-256. Springer Publisher, 2009. ISBN: 978-0-38773-907-6.
    • Nikola Zahariev, Y Zaki, Thushara Weerawardane, C Görg, and A. Timm-Giel, Book Chapter: Optimized service aware LTE MAC Scheduler with comparison against other well-known schedulers, Book: Wired/Wireless Internet communication, Pages 298-306, Springer Publisher 2012, ISBN 978-3-642-30629-7
    • SKN Marwat, Thushara Weerawardane, Y Zaki, C Görg and A Timm-Giel, Book Chapter: Performance Evaluation of Bandwidth and QoS Aware LTE Uplink Scheduler, Book: Wired/Wireless Internet communication, Pages 298-306, Springer Publisher 2012, ISBN 978-3-642-30629-7
    • SKN Marwat, Thushara Weerawardane, Y Zaki, C Görg, A Timm-Giel, Book chapter: Addressing the Challenges of E-healthcare in Future Mobile Networks, Book: Wired/Wireless Internet communication, Pages 90-99, Springer Publisher 2012, ISBN 978-3-642-40551-8

    Journal Publications:

    • Piumika N. Karunanayake, Andreas Konsgen, Thushara Weerawardane, Anna Forster Q Learning Based Adaptive Protocol Parameters for WSNs”, IEEE Journal of Communications and Networks, Volume: 25, Issue: 1, February 2023, Page(s): 76 – 87, 10.23919/JCN.2022.000035.
    • H. Nethmini, N Jayathilaka and TL Weerawarda, System to Detect and Notify Mobile Phishing Attacks”, Journal of Advances in Information Technology (JAIT), ISSN: 1798-2340 (Online) | DOI: 10.12720.
    • JKSL Jayakody, NT Jayathilake and TL Weerawardane, Data Retrieval and Analysis to Identify the Associated People of Instagram using image processing”, IEEE International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 12, Issue 7, July 2022 ISSN 2250-3153
    • Thushara Weerawardane, A Timm-Giel, C Görg, GC Malafronte and S Hauth: Effect of TNL Congestion Control Schemes on the HSDPA Network Performance” Journal Publication, IEEE VTC magazine, Vehicular Technology Magazine, IEEE Volume 4, Issue 4, December 2009, Pages 54 – 63.
    • Thushara Weerawardane, A Timm-Giel, C Görg and GC Malafronte and S Hauth: Effect of TNL flow control schemes for the HSDPA network performance”, special issues-2 of Journal of Communications 2009 (IEEE), Academy Publisher, Finland, Pages 78-88.
    • Y Zaki, Thushara Weerawardane, A Timm-Giel, C Görg and GC Malafronte: Performance Enhancement due to the TNL Congestion Control on the Simultaneous Deployment of both HSDPA and HSUPA”, Special Issue: Recent Advances in Communications and Networking Technologies, JNW Journal, Vol 5, No 7 (2010), pages 773-781.
    • SNK Marwat, Thushara Weerawardane, Y Zaki, C Görg, A Timm-Giel, Analysis of Radio Resource Allocation in LTE Uplink”, Wireless Personal Communications and Networks, Volume 79, Issue 3, Dec 2014, ISSN – 0926-6212
    • SNK Marwat, S Meyer, Thushara Weerawardane and C Görg, Congestion Aware Handover in LTE System for Load Balancing in Transport Network, ETRI Journal, Volume 36, Issue 5, pages (761-771), 2014, ISSN 1225-6463
    • L. Zhao, Xi Li, Thushara Weerawardane, A Timm-Giel and C Görg Joint Load Balancing of Radio and Transport Networks in the LTE Systems, Wireless Personal Communications (WPC), Volume 67, Issue 1, pages 5-24, November 2012.
    • Xi Li, Y Zaki, Thushara Weerawardane, A Timm-Giel, C Görg and GC Malafronte: Use of Traffic Separation Techniques for the Transport of HSPA and R99 Traffic in the Radio Access Network with Differentiated Quality of Service”, (5(3), July – Sept 2009) of IJBDCN Journal, pages 84-100.
    • SNK Marwat, Thushara Weerawardane, Y Zaki, and C Görg, Radio Resource Allocation for M2M Communication in LTE Uplink Scheduling”, Rügge, I. and Himstedt, A. (eds.): Log Dynamics Research Report; Volume 3, 13, pages 31-24., ISSN 1867-0210, Bremen Research Cluster for Dynamics in Logistics, Universität Bremen.

    Conference Publications:

    • AKSA Anudini, G Gayamini and TL Weerawardana, Comparison Analysis and Systematic Study on Secure Transmission data in the cloud using stenographic techniques and cryptographic algorithm”, KDU 15th International Research Conference International research Conference 2022, Colombo, Sri Lanka
    • UDNN Rodrigo and TL Weerawardana, Smart Wireless Forest Fire Alerting System”, KDU 15th International Research Conference International Research Conference 2022, Colombo, Sri Lanka
    • WNS Dabarera, NT Jayatilake , RHNS Jayathissa and TL Weerawardane,Towards an IoT-based Vehicle Management System for Vehicle tracking and vehicle diagnostics with OBD2 Telematics”, KDU 15th International Research Conference International research Conference 2022, Colombo, Sri Lanka
    • H. Nethmini, N Jayathilaka and TL Weerawarda, Cloud system to Detect and Notify Mobile Phishing Attacks”, 15th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT 2022), October 14-16, 2022, Tokyo, Japan.
    • JKSL Jayakody, NT Jayathilake and TL Weerawardane, Data Retrieval and Analysis to Identify the Associated People of Instagram using image processing”, KDU 15th International Research Conference International Research Conference 2022, Colombo, Sri Lanka
    • AMRNVB Pethiyagoda, TL Weerawardane, MWP Maduranga and DMR Kulasekara, “Real-Time Vehicle Type Recognition Using Deep Learning Techniques”, KDU 15th International Research Conference International Research Conference 2022, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
    • Siriwardena KL, Thushara Weerawardane, Uwanthika GAI,” Cloud-Based Realtime Emergency Medical Service Platform”, KDU 14th International Research Conference International research Conference 2021, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
    • Thushara Weerawardane, Ranjit Perera and C Görg: A Markov Model for HSDPA TNL Flow Control and Congestion Control Performance Analysis”, in 2011 IEEE 73rd Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC2011-Spring, 15–18 May 2011, Budapest, Hungary.
    • Thushara Weerawardane, Y Zaki, A Timm-Giel, G. Malafronte, S Hauth and C Görg: Impact of the transport network congestion control on the HSUPA performance”, IEEE International VTC Spring in Barcelona, Spain, April 2009.
    • Thushara Weerawardane, A Timm-Giel, G. Malafronte, G. Durastante, S Hauth and C Görg: Preventive and Reactive based TNL Congestion Control Impact on the HSDPA Performance”, VTC IEEE conference, Singapore, May 2008.
    • Thushara Weerawardane, Ranjit Perera, A Timm-Giel and C Görg: A Markovian Model for HSDPA TNL Congestion Control Performance Analysis”, VTC IEEE conference, Canada, Sept. 2008.
    • Y Zaki, Thushara Weerawardane, C Görg, S Hauth and E Wallmeier: Intelligent Traffic Enforcement for LTE backhaul”, 2013 IEEE 24th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications: Mo2ile and Wireless Networks (IEEE PIMRC’13), 8-11 Sept 2013, London, UK.
    • Y Zaki, Thushara Weerawardane and C Görg, LTE Radio Schedulers Analytical Modelling using Continuous Time Markov Chains”, IEEE 6th Joint IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference 2013 (WMNC’2013), 25th April 2013, Dubai.
    • U Toseef, Thushara Weerawardane, A Timm-Giel and C Görg: Coordinated LTE Uplink Radio Interface Scheduling”, IEEE 6th Joint IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference 2013 (WMNC’2013), 25th April 2013, Dubai.
    • U Toseef, Thushara Weerawardane, A Timm-Giel and C Görg: LTE system performance optimization by discard timer based PDCP buffer management”, 8th International Conference on High-capacity Optical Networks and Emerging Technologies in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, December 2011.
    • U Toseef, Thushara Weerawardane, A Timm-Giel, and C Görg: Performance comparison of PDCP buffer management schemes in LTE system”, IEEE IFIP Wireless Days in Niagra Falls, Canada, October 2011.
    • Y Zaki, Thushara Weerawardane, Xi Li, A Timm-Giel, G. Malafronte and C Görg: Effect of the RLC and TNL Congestion Control on the HSUPA Network Performance, Mishawaka International Conference on Communications, Computers and Applications, MIC-CCA in Amman, Jordan, Jan. 2008.
    • Y Zaki, Thushara Weerawardane, A Timm-Giel, and C Görg: Multi-QoS-aware Fair Scheduling for LTE”, in 2011 IEEE 73rd Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2011-Spring, 15–18 May 2011, Budapest, Hungary.
    • R.M Indika Nalin Bandara, Thushara Weerawardane, Interaction of EM Radiation Emitted from Mobile Phones and the Human Brain Tissues”, in KDU International research Conference 2014, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
    • Xi Li, U Toseef, Thushara Weerawardane, W. Bigos, D. Dulas, C. Görg, A Timm-Giel, and A. Klug: Dimensioning of the LTE S1 Interface”, in Proc. of the 3rd Joint IFIP Wireless Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC’2010), in Budapest, Hungary, October 13 -15, 2010.
    • Andreas Könsgen, Amanpreet Singh, Ma Jun, Thushara Weerawardane and C Görg, Responsiveness of Future Telecommunication Networks under Disaster Situations”, in IEEE 4th International Workshop on Mobile Computing and Networking Technologies (WMCNT 2011), 3-5 October 2012, St. Petersburg, Russia.
    • Xi Li, Y Zaki, Thushara Weerawardane, A Timm-Giel and C Görg: HSUPA Backhaul Bandwidth Dimensioning”, in 19th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Cannes, France, Sept. 2008.
    • Y Zaki, Nikola Zahariev, Thushara Weerawardane, C Görg and A Timm-Giel: “Optimized Service Aware LTE MAC Scheduler: Design, Implementation and Performance Evaluation”, in OPNET Work 2011, August 29-September 1, 2011, Washington D.C., USA.
    • SKN Marwat, Thushara Weerawardane, Y Zaki, C Görg and A Timm-Giel: Design and Performance Analysis of Bandwidth and QoS Aware LTE Uplink Scheduler in Heterogeneous Traffic Environment”, submitted for The 8th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference; Limassol, Cyprus on August 27-31, 2012.
    • Xi Li, U Toseef, Thushara Weerawardane, W. Bigos, D. Dulas, C. Görg, A Timm-Giel, and Andreas Klug: Dimensioning of the LTE Access Transport Network for Elastic Internet Traffic”, in Proc. of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob 2010), Niagara Falls, Canada, October 11-13, 2010.
    • Thushara Weerawardane, A Timm-Giel, G. Malafronte, G. Durastante, S Hauth and C Görg: Effective Iub Congestion Control for the HSDPA Performance”, ICT Mobile Summit, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2008.
    • U Toseef, Thushara Weerawardane, A Timm-Giel, C Görg: LTE system performance optimization by RED based PDCP buffer management”, In Mobilfunk-Technologien und Anwendungen, Vorträge der 17. ITG-Fachtagung, Osnabrück, Germany, 2012.
    • L Zhao, Thushara Weerawardane, A Timm-Giel, C Görg, Ulrich Türke and M. Koonert Overview on UMTS HSDPA and Enhanced Uplink (HSUPA)”, Mobilfunk-Technologien und Anwendungen, Vorträge der 11. ITG-Fachtagung, Osnabrück, May 2006.
    • SKN Marwat, Thushara Weerawardane and Y Zaki, C Görg and A Timm-Giel: Performance of Bandwidth and QoS Aware LTE Uplink SchedulerTowards Delay Sensitive Traffic”, In Mobilfunk-Technologien und Anwendungen, Vorträge der 17. ITG-Fachtagung, Osnabrück, Germany, 2012.
    • Thushara Weerawardane, A Timm-Giel, C Görg and T Reim: Performance Analysis of the Iub Interface in UMTS Networks for HSDPA”, Mobilfunk-Technologien und Anwendungen, Vorträge der 10. ITG-Fachtagung, Osnabrück, Juni 2005.
    • Thushara Weerawardane, Xi Li, A Timm-Giel and C Görg: Modeling and Simulation of UMTS HSDPA in OPNET”, in Proc. OPNETWORK, Washington DC, USA, September 2006.
    • Y Zaki, Thushara Weerawardane, C Görg and A Timm-Giel: Long Term Evolution (LTE) model development within OPNET simulation environment”, in OPNET Work 2011, August 29-September 1, 2011, Washington D.C., USA.
    • SKN Marwat, Thushara Weerawardane, Ranjit Perera, C Görg, and A Timm-Giel: Impact of Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Communications on Disaster Management in Future Mobile Networks”, In in General Sir John Kotelawala Defense University Annual Symposium, Ratmalana, Sri Lanka, 2012.
    • Thushara Weerawardane, A Timm-Giel, C Görg and T Reim: UMTS Transport Network Layer: Modelling and Optimization of HSDPA Traffic Flows”, IEE conference, Sri Lanka, Sep. 2006.
    • Thushara Weerawardane, A Timm-Giel, C Görg and T Reim, Impact of the Transport Network Layer Flow Control for HSDPA Performance”, IEE conference, Sri Lanka, Sep. 2006.

    Conference Publications (Abstract):

    • SV Wijesekara, NT Jayatilake, Thushara Weerawardane, Data retrieval and analysis from Facebook to identify suspicious profiles using machine learning: A Literature Review”, KDU 1st Student Research Symposium 2021, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
    • KKH Nethmini, NT Jayatilake, Thushara Weerawardane, A review for a system to detect and notify phishing attacks in mobile phones”, KDU 1st Student Research Symposium 2021, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
    • JKSL Jayakody, NT Jayatilake, Thushara Weerawardane, Comparison Analysis and Data Retrieval to identify the associated people of Instagram by Image Processing”, KDU 1st Student Research Symposium 2021, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
    • HMSS Dissanayake, RGC Upeksha, Thushara Weerawardane, A Systematic Review on Digital Signature Verification and Modern Development”, KDU 1st Student Research Symposium 2021, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
    • EBT Hansika, URC Upeksha, Thushara Weerawardane, Data extraction and efficient storing of PDF in a database: A Review”, KDU 1st Student Research Symposium 2021, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
    • AKSA Anudini, G Gayamini, Thushara Weerawardane, A Systematic Review on Secure Data Transmission in the Cloud Using Steganographic Techniques and Cryptographic Algorithms”, KDU 1st Student Research Symposium 2021, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
    • VR Weerasekara, G Gayamini, Thushara Weerawardane, A Review of Unstructured Data Analysis”, KDU 1st Student Research Symposium 2021, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
    • MTD Mackonal, JJRS Fernando, Thushara Weerawardane, Analysing of Fake Voice Detecting Using Deep Learning”, KDU 1st Student Research Symposium 2021, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
    • AMRNVB Pethiyagoda, OR Zain, Thushara Weerawardane, DMR Kulasekara, MWP Maduranga, A Review on Real Time License Plate, Vehicle Type and Face Recognition Using Computer Vision”, KDU 1st Student Research Symposium 2021, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
    • WNS Dabarera, NT Jayatilake, RHNS Jayathissa, Thushara Weerawardane, An Overview of Information Technology based Vehicle Management Systems”, KDU 1st Student Research Symposium 2021, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
    • JADP Lakshantha, Thushara Weerawardane, Image Processing Based Proposed Drone Application for Detecting and Analysing Enemy Targets”, KDU 1st Student Research Symposium 2021, Colombo, Sri Lanka.

    PhD dissertations Supervision

    • PhD Thesis, Jayawardana Mudiyanselage Wasantha Premaratne, Perception of third-party logistics (3PL) Customer on logistics outsourcing in the 3PL market in Sri Lanka”, 2020.
    • PhD Thesis, Safdar Nawaz Khan Marwat, Long -Term Evolution for Machine to Machine Communication”, University of Bremen, Germany, 2013.
    • Ms. PN Karunanayake, PhD Student (ongoing 3rd year), PhD Thesis: Adaptive Protocol Parameters for Wireless Sensor Network” – Ongoing (combined Research between KDU and University Bremen, Germany)

    Postgraduate Degree (two years, full-time) Supervisions

    • Master thesis, SKN Marwat, Bandwidth and QoS Aware LTE Uplink Scheduler”, 2011. (ComNets, University of Bremen, Germany)
    • German Diploma Thesis (equivalent to Master Thesis), Sven Meyer, Congestion aware Handover in LTE Systems (Load Balancing)”, 2012. (ComNets, University of Bremen, Germany)
    • Master thesis, Zhou Bin, Optimization and Performance Analysis of LTE Transport Network”, 2009. (ComNets, University of Bremen, Germany)
    • Master thesis, Y Zaki, UMTS High Speed Packet Access Modelling for the evaluation of the TNL performance”, 2007. (ComNets, University of Bremen, Germany)
    • Master thesis, Wenjie Xu, Implementation and Performance comparison of different TCP versions in Wireless Networks”, 2012. (ComNets, University of Bremen, Germany)
    • Master thesis, Nguyen Le Hung, LTE Access Network: End-to-end Performance Optimization”, 2010. (ComNets, University of Bremen, Germany)
    • German Diploma Thesis, Baha Skaff, Modelling of UMTS Uplink for HSDPA simulation Model”, 2006. (ComNets, University of Bremen, Germany)
    • Master Thesis, Haifeng Zhou, Analytical Modelling of HSDPA RLC Protocol using Petri Nets”, 2007. (done at ComNets, University of Bremen, Germany)
    • Master Thesis, T. Venkat Narayan Reddy, Analysis and Optimization of the ATM Traffic-Flow in the UMTS Network between Radio Network Controller and Node B: Flow Control Enhancements”, 2005. (done at ComNets, University of Bremen, Germany)

    MSc Degree (with 6 Month Research) Supervisions

    • Degree of Master of Science (Defence and Strategic Studies), Major EMDK Ekanayake VIR, on “Digital Transformation of Marketing Strategies during Covid 19 Impacts on National Economy”, Defence Services Command and Staff College, Sri Lanka, Feb. 2023
    • Degree of Master of Science (Defence and Strategic Studies), Major PDSM Wickramasinghe SlAOC on “Impacts of Digital Transformation to Military Education: Case Study on Southern Campus – KDU”, Defence Services Command and Staff College, Sri Lanka, Feb. 2023.
    • MPhil Degree, Cmde Prashantha Anthony on Issues and challenges from Cyber domain on National Security A Way Forward strategy for Sri Lanka”, National Defence College, Sri Lanka, July 2022.
    • Degree of Master of Science (Defence and Strategic Studies), Squadron Leader RRPWR Thilakarathne on Impact of Emerging Cyber Warfare Challenges For Sri Lanka Air Force”, Defence Services Command and Staff College, Sri Lanka, Feb 2022
    • Degree of Master of Science (Defence and Strategic Studies), Major NAASS Nissanka SLLI on Identify the national security threat to Sri Lanka by using cryptocurrency and ways to counter it”, Defence Services Command and Staff College, Sri Lanka, Feb. 2022
    • Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering, Duminda Vajira Kumara Kularathne on “The Transportation Management In Metropolitan Network”, General Sir Jhon Kotalawala Defence University, Sri Lanka, July 2021.
    • Master of Defence Degree (MDS), Major S A D A I Solongaarachchi SLA, Effects of Internet for the improvement of Knowledge of Pupils (Grade 10 – Grade 13)” 2013. (done at FGS, KDU, Sri Lanka)
    • Master of Defence Degree (MDS), Sqn Ldr Uditha I Wijerathna, Social Networking Web Sites and Their Impact on Information Security of Sri Lanka” 2013. (done at FGS, KDU, Sri Lanka)
    • Master of Defence Degree (MDS), Major DHSL Kuasiri, SLSC, Electronic and Computer Simulators are effective for realistic training in SL army forces”, 2013. (done at FGS, KDU, Sri Lanka)
  • Research Interests
  • Research Interests

    • 3G/4G/5G Mobile Communication,
    • Wireless Communication,
    • Telecommunication and Communication Networks
    • Industrial Internet of Things
    • Data Science and Big Data Analytics
    • Artificial Intelligent and Cyber Security
    • Stochastic Simulations and Statistical Analysis
  • Teaching Areas
  • Teaching Areas

    • Introduction to Telecommunication
    • Mobile & Wireless Communication I/II
    • Communication Networks I/II
    • Industrial Internet of Things and Applications
    • Emerging Trends in Computing
    • Research Methodology & Data Analytics I/II
    • Stochastic Simulations and Statistical Analysis
    • Computer Networks
    • Fundamental of Electrical Engineering
    • Information Technology
    • Research Methodology and Advanced Statistics
  • Achievements
  • Achievements

    • International Patent – International patent on Consistent DL QoS treatment for LTE bearers in case of air interface and mobile backhaul congestion (European patent registry – WO2014128239)
    • Educational – Doctoral and Master’s degrees with distinctions
    • Research: Best Paper Award, IEEE 3rd International Conference on “Ubiquitous and Future Networks”, 2011, Dalian, China.
    • Research: Best Paper Award, KDU International Research Conference on “Multihoming to Provide Reliable Connectivity”, 2014, Colombo, Sri Lanka
    • Research: Best Paper Award, KDU International Research Conference on “Towards an IoT-based Vehicle Management System for Vehicle tracking and vehicle diagnostics with OBD2 Telematics”, 2022, Colombo, Sri Lanka
  • Working Experience
  • Working Experience

    Academic and Industrial

    • Dean, Faculty of Engineering, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University (April 2023 – to date)
      Manage and administer all academic, research and administrative functions of the faculty of engineering. Develops strategic initiatives and participates in university long-term planning and policy setting.
    • Managing Director, CARE Technology Private Limited (April 2022 – to date)
      Commercialization of research findings, through establishing public-private partnerships, and bridging the gap between the university and the industry.
    • Director, Institute of Combinatorial Advanced Research & Education (April 2022 – to Date)
      Academic and Research for Postgraduate/MPhil/PhD Students.
      Developing knowledge and innovations in areas as diverse as health, biomedicine, biotechnology, chemistry, engineering & technology, computing, social sciences, international relations, etc.
    • Professor of Electronics and Telecommunication, KDU (Feb 2022 – to date)
      Responsibilities: Teaching for undergraduate and postgraduate students, Curriculum developments, research and development work, quality assurance and curriculum design work for undergraduate and postgraduate students.
    • Professor of Electronic and Telecommunication (Feb 2022 – Present), Department of Electrical, Electronic & Telecommunication Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka.
    • Senior Lecturer Gr.1 (Jan 2021 – Jan 2022), Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Computing, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka.
      Responsibilities: OBE Teaching and Learning Functions, Research and development work, Curriculum Designing and improve Best Practices of the Quality of Education.
    • Director, CEO and Co-Founder (Aug 2016 – Sep 2020), ACE Healthcare (Pvt.) LtdBOI Approved Pharmaceutical and Cosmeceutical Manufacturing Plant, Kandana, Horana Sri Lanka. 
      Key Responsibilities: Design and Development, Manufacturing Process, Product and Plant Development, System Automation and Engineering, Electrical and Electronic System design, HVAC System, GMP Clean ROOM Systems, Chiller and Utility Systems, Zero-Discharged Wastewater Management System (Bio-degradable ETP/STP), Organizational Processes Management, Operations Management, WHO/EUGMP Quality assurance and Quality control, R & D unit and Laboratory Systems.
    • Director and CEO, Alaris Group of Companies (Aug 2016 – Sep 2020), Alaris Lanka (Pvt.) Ltd. and Hicare Pharma (Pvt.) Ltd. Horana Road, Kesbawa, Sri Lanka, Maxstone Engineering (Pvt.) Ltd., Construction Material Manufacturing Plant, Udawlawa Road, Thanamalvila.
      Key Responsibilities: Ensuring that the company maintains high social responsibility, formulates policies and planning recommendations, manage financial and physical resources, Financial, Tax, Risk and Facilities Management, Human Resource Management., Setting strategic goals and making sure they are measurable and describable, maintains accounting controls by preparing and recommending policies and procedures, implement plans.
    • Dean, Faculty of Engineering (April 2015 – Aug 2016), General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka. 
      Key Responsibilities: Overall Management, Academic and Administrative Functions of 8 departments, planning, adapting and implementing new academic programs, curricular and research in par with modern and changing and Quality Standards.
    • Head, Department of Mathematics, (Mar 2013 – July 2015), General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka. 
      Key Responsibilities: Design academic programs and curricula making relevant enhancements to cater to upcoming national and international developments. Overall Management, Academic and Administrative Functions.
    • Senior Lecturer Gr. 1 (Sep 2012 – Aug 2016), Department of Electrical, Electronic and Telecommunication, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka. 
      Key Responsibilities: OBE Teaching and Learning Functions, Research and development work, Curriculum Designing and improve best practices of the Quality of Education.
    • Scientist / Lecturer (July 2010 – Aug 2012), Communication Networks, University of Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg, Germany. 
      Key Responsibilities: Worked as Team leader for scientific research group of Industrial Projects: Long Term Evolution and 4G advanced Broadband technologies of Nokia Siemens Networks, Research Departments of Germany, Finland and Italy. Lecturer for Master’s Degree Programmes in University of Bremen and TUHH, Germany
    • Research Scientist / Lecturer (Jul 2004 – Jul 2010), Communication Networks, University of Bremen, Germany. 
      Key Responsibilities: Managing and coordinating the LTE and HSPA industrial Research Projects with Siemens AG, Germany and Nokia Siemens Network, Germany. Front-end Network and System developments of UMTS, HSPA and LTE Networks, Simulator Development, Optimization, Performance analysis and analytical model development of Mobile Broadband Networks. Tutorial and Research Module Lecturer for Master’s degree Programme – ICT, in University of Bremen Germany.
    • Course organizer and Curriculum Organizer (2010-2012): CIT and IAE Master Studies at the University of Bremen and Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg in Germany.
    • Master Program Coordinator (2007-2010): Communication and Information Technology (CIT) and Information Master Studies, University of Bremen in Germany.
    • Quality Assurance Evaluator (2005-2008): Communication and Information Technology (CIT) and Information and Automation Engineering (IAE) Master studies, University of Bremen in Germany.
    • Reviewer for International Journals (2006 – 2012): IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, European Transactions on Telecommunications, International Journal of Electronics and Communications and Springer Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering,
    • Assistant Network Manager (1999 – 2002), University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. 
      Key Responsibilities: LAN and WAN functions, worked as a System Engineer for LEARN (Lanka Educational And Research Network) in Sri Lanka.
  • Workshops/Seminars
  • Workshops/Seminars

    • Two Days HSDPA Workshop for Industrial project with the Research and Development team of Siemens AG, Bremen, Germany was held on 9th and 10th December 2004. It focused on discussing upcoming mobile technology, High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) networks and its deployability under various traffic conditions. The workshop discussed about the technical aspects of WCDMA technology and usage of effective Transport Network Layer (TNL) functionalities. The following presentations were made by the Dr. Weerawardane as a Scientist and as the project group leader of the University of Bremen Research and Development team
      – Design and Development of HSDPA Simulation transport simulator
      – High Speed data packet network congestion control, traffic models and performance Analysis
      – Source traffic modeling and simulation approaches
    • The Industrial Project workshop was held on 5th and 6th December 2005 at the University of Bremen, Germany. Dr. Thushara Weerawardane, was the Project leader of UMTS/HSDPA new mobile technologies research group and presented in the venue as a main resource person along with his two master students: Ruslan Ismailov and Venkat Thimmappagari. Research and development department of Siemens Networks, Ulm and Berlin where the Industrial partners of the workshop. The presentations are as follows:
      – Iub Congestion Detection and Congestion Control for High Speed data packet network (HSDPA): Concepts, Results and Analysis
      – Analysis of discarding policies for High Speed data packet network (theoretical Approach)
      – Impact of transport network congestion control for HSDPA performance
    • The two-day workshop for Industrial projects: HSPA and MATURE was held in Siemens AG, Bremen, Germany on 16th & 17th May 2006. Industrial issues related to HSPA deployment along with Rel’99 were discussed by the Research and development groups of Siemens AG, Germany. Possible solutions and simulation Platform developments were discussed by scientists in Bremen University. Here Dr. Weerawardane presented as a resource person, the topics discussed by him were as follows:
      – TNL Congestion Control for HSDPA Performance
      – Radio link control UMTS UTRAN Model Concepts for dimensioning and transport simulations
    • HSPA Workshop held in Siemens AG, Bremen, Germany on 23rd and 24th May 2007. Industrial workshop includes HSPA CD Algorithm performance analysis, Effects of E-DCH Scheduler for different traffic deployments, Traffic Separation at TNL of HSPA. Here Dr. Weerawardane presented as a resource person, the topics presented by him were as follows:
      – HSUPA congestion detection and congestion control: E-DCH scheduler mechanism for different traffic deployment
      – HSDPA congestion control performance Evaluation: Effect of the North – CD Algorithm
    • Deployment of High-Speed Downlink Access technologies were discussed at the workshop held in Siemens AG, Head office, Milan, Italy on 15th April 2008. The group leaders were Dr. Thushara Weerawardane, from Bremen University research group and Mr. S. Hauth, group leader from Siemens AG, Ulm-Munich, Germany. R & D team of Italy joined for the discussions. The following key presentation were discussed widely:
      – Modelling DSL based Simulation Model Development and Impact on industrial deployments (Thushara Weerawardane)
      – HSxPA ATM traffic separation and Model Development (Thushara Weerawardane)
    • Two-day LTE System and simulator development workshop was held in University of Bremen on 4th and 5th June 2009. Three R&D groups from Siemens AG: Berlin, Ulm & Milan, and University of Bremen R & D group participated the workshop and the following topics were presented at the venue.
      – Impact of the S1 and X2 interfaces for the end to end network performance (Thushara Weerawardane)
      – Modelling LTE Handovers using OPNET Simulator (Thushara Weerawardane)
      – Modeling Best effort traffic (HTTP and FTP) in OPNET LTE Simulator (Thushara Weerawardane/Umar Toseef)
    • Invited talk on “Digital Technologies and Future Trends” , Journal reading, Faculty of computing, Kotelawala Defence University.
    • Invited talk on “Impact of digital technologies for future industries, Research and Scientific Forum on 21st Oct 2021, Communication Networks, University of Bremen, Germany.
    • Workshop on “Criteria and Procedure for Accreditation” CDC workshop on 22nd Nov. 2021, Faculty of Computing, Kotelawala Defence University.
    • Seminar on “Impacts of the Digital Technologies on Future Industries”, on 10th Nov 2021, Ruhuna University Mathematics and Statistical Society, University of Ruhuna.
    • Seminar on “Reflective Practices on Scientific Writing” on 27th June 2022, Faculty of Engineering, Kotelawala Defence University.
    • Seminar on” Occupational Safety, Health and Environment”, on 19th July 2022, Faculty of engineering, KDU
  • Staff Development Programmes
  • Staff Development Programmes

    • Industry Training: Teacher and supervisor for an industrial training program of Simulation platforms such as OPNET and Test-beds for Nokia Siemens Networks staff (project managers and engineers) – Poland and Germany – for communication network protocol modeling simulator development in September 2011 and June 2012.
    • Course organizer and Curriculum Organizer (2010-2012): CIT and IAE Master Studies at the University of Bremen and Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg in Germany.
    • Master Program Coordinator (2007-2010): Communication and Information Technology (CIT) and Information Master Studies, University of Bremen in Germany.
    • Quality Assurance Evaluator (2005-2008): Communication and Information Technology (CIT) and Information and Automation Engineering (IAE) Master studies, University of Bremen in Germany.
    • Reviewer for International Journals (2006 – 2012): IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, European Transactions on Telecommunications, International Journal of Electronics and Communications and Springer Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering.
    • Reviewer for International Journals (2006 – 2012): IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, European Transactions on Telecommunications, International Journal of Electronics and Communications and Springer Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering.
    • Associate Editors in Chief (2021/2022), International Journal of Research in Computing, General Sir John Kotelawala University, Sri Lanka
    • Chairman, MSc in Biomedical Engineering Programme & Curriculum Development Committee (2021/2022), General Sir John Kotelawala University, Sri Lanka
    • Member, Department Industry Consultative Board, Faculty of Technology (2021), General Sir John Kotelawala University, Sri Lanka
    • Member, Curriculum Development Committee of the Bachelor of Technology in Information and Communication Technology Programme, Faculty of Technology (2021/2022), General Sir John Kotelawala University, Sri Lanka
    • Quality Assurance Evaluator (2022), Department of Electrical, Electronic and Telecommunication, Faculty of Engineering, General Sir John Kotelawala University, Sri Lanka
    • Safety Warden (2022 – date), Faculty of Engineering, General Sir John Kotelawala University, Sri Lanka
  • Creative Industry Works
  • Creative Industry Works

    Development of ACE Healthcare Pharmaceutical and Cosmeceutical Formulation Plant (Click here for watch Video)

    As the CEO and Co-founder (from 2016 to 2020), Dr Thushara Weerawardane initiated, managed and coordinated complete formulation and plant development, of this Pharmaceutical and Cosmeceutical Plant, considering the National Interest and Demand in Cosmetics and Medicine, saving a huge foreign exchange for the country. This is a USD 28 Million, BOI approved Project. From design stage to the plant completion stage of the ACE Healthcare manufacturing Plant, Dr. Thushara Weerawardane actively involved in all Construction, Structural, Electrical, Electronics, Network, all Infrastructural and Utility Development processes, having more than 20 national and international professional teams. In additional, all approvals for the formulation Plant such as BOI, Health Ministry, Local and UD, Environmental Authority, Excise Department etc. were taken by Dr Thushara Weerawardane, who also prepared all reports and project planning reports. Further many discussions were carried out with local financial institutions like Sampath bank and Seylan bank. Most of the financial reports and forecast reports were done by Dr Weerawardane.

    Development, coordination and supervision of professional engineering and technical work of EU-GMP and USFDA Compliant Pharmaceutical and cosmeceutical Plant were done under the direct guidance and supervision of Dr. Weerawardane. It includes the following.

    • Designed the Plant layout according to cGMP guidelines
    • Installation of high tech machinaries and equipment
    • Installation of HVAC Systems
    • Installation of ETP/STP system with Zero Discharged
    • Installation of Fire and Alarm system for the plant
    • Installation of Network ad CCTV Systems
    • Installation of Utilities such as Boilers and Incinerators
    • Installation of Grid Station and maintained by plant engineers.
    • Complete plant technical matters, etc..

    The summary of working teams are as follows:

    • Relic Engineering Construction Team
    • CSC Structural Engineering team
    • EMS engineering team: Fire Protection and Fire Detection System, plumbing and other utilities.
    • LEED (Green Energy) consultant team
    • 3G consultant team: Project management and Quantity Serving Aspects
    • Vishva Architectural and GMP engineering teams (Indian Consultant Team)
    • Vishwa Protect Machine Specification and Procument teams (Indian Consultant Team)
    • Vishwa Engineering Teams for all electrical, mechanical, and utility installation
    • Machinery manufacturing teams and engineering GMP teams (Indian, Chaina and Australian teams)
    • All financial management teams from reputed financial institution such as Sampath banks and Seylan banks.
    • Project approval from all governmental and non-governmental official: BOI, Environmental, Health and other regulatory bodies.
  • Memberships
  • Memberships

    • Member of IEEE
    • Professional Member of CSSL
    • Member of IESL