Department of Mechanical Engineering - Faculty of Engineering, KDU

Guest Lecture on Enterprise Resource Planning

May 18, 2023
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Guest Lecture on "Enterprise Resource Planning" organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering of General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, was successfully concluded on 18th of May 2023 with the participation of undergraduates of Intake 37. Temporary demonstrator, Ms. KPCS Kalavitigoda welcomed the gathering. The session was conducted by Mr.Buddhika Kurera,Senior manager of Global Support Teams at IFS shared his knowledge on MRP ,stages of MRP and its importance. He also explained on the trends of manufacturing industries and manufacturing circular economy. The lecture was concluded by lecturing about Industrial 4.0, virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality and how it is applied on the real-world scenario. He further answered the questions raised by the participants. The event was graced by the distinguished presence of the Head of the Department, Captain (E) DS Bogahawatte, lectures, demonstrators and undergraduates. The session was declared with the closing remarks by Day Scholar, T Naushad.
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