Department of Aeronautical Engineering - Faculty of Engineering, KDU

Taprobane Awareness Session

December 06, 2023
Web Master


Taprobane, an enlightening awareness session, was organized by the Taprobane V4.0 team with the aim of recruiting a dedicated team from KDU. SEDS KDU took charge of hosting and publicizing this event, featuring Mr. Viduranga Landers, the technical team lead behind Taprobane V4.0, as the key speaker. As the event commenced, Divisional lead Dasuni Uththara from SEDS KDU welcomed the guests and audience. Mr. Viduranga Landers then took the stage, introducing the Taprobane Mars Rover project under SEDS Sri Lanka. He provided insights into their participation in the European Rover Challenge (ERC) and outlined the progress of the project so far, their incredible achievements, and how a team from KDU could contribute to this exciting endeavor. 

A heartfelt thank-you speech was delivered by Dasuni, expressing gratitude for everyone's participation and interest in contributing to the innovative Mars rover initiative. This event not only served as an informative platform but also sparked enthusiasm among potential team members from KDU to join the Taprobane V4.0 team.

Following the awareness session, an application process was initiated, drawing interest from enthusiastic individuals. A rigorous selection process identified highly skilled individuals to form two crucial teams: a technical team adept at tackling the rover's engineering and development challenges, and a management team to oversee the project's administrative and strategic direction.


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