Department of Aeronautical Engineering - Faculty of Engineering, KDU

Search for Life in the Universe

June 27, 2023
Web Master


Le Vivante is a project organized by the Biomedical Division of SEDS KDU. The guest speaker for the event was Dr. Henry Troop, an American Astronomer and Program Scientist in the Planetary Science Division of Planetary Science, at NASA HQ. His presentation touched on several diverse topics such as what astronomy is, what it takes to become an astronomer, and his positive experiences in the field. He concluded with other interesting thoughts such as the uniqueness of our solar system, how NASA continues its efforts for the search of life throughout the universe with missions on Mars such as Perseverance and Opportunity.

SEDS KDU had the privilege of inviting an internationally renowned guest speaker who was very friendly with the attendants of the project, and with that we would like to thank Dr. Henry Throop once again for his presence. Not only were we able to inspire the members of SED KDU into space exploration but also the undergraduates of other local SEDS chapters, academic lecturers and all staff who were present during that gathering. The proceedings ended with an interactive Quiz Competition as an ice-breaker and all guests having the chance to converse with Dr. Henry.


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