Department of Aeronautical Engineering - Faculty of Engineering, KDU

Intake 40: Awareness Session

January 17, 2023
Web Master


On January 17th, 2023, SEDS KDU hosted an orientation session for their newest undergraduates, Intake 40. The session aimed to introduce the incoming members to the organization and its activities. SEDS KDU’s President, Vishal Perera, delivered a comprehensive presentation assisted by Sanyuktha Akalana, Co-Lead of the Observation Division. 


The presentation provided a detailed overview of the SEDS organization, encompassing its global network of chapters. Specifically highlighting the Sri Lankan chapter , the various university chapters under it, and its role within the broader SEDS community. The presentation emphasized the recent establishment of SEDS KDU as the newest chapter under SEDS Sri Lanka and elaborated on its structure and the various divisions that would facilitate its space exploration endeavors. 


Beyond structural details, the session offered a glimpse into the projects to be carried out by SEDS KDU, as well as ongoing initiatives spearheaded by SEDS Sri Lanka, explaining how SEDS KDU members could actively participate and contribute to these endeavors. The session concluded with a lively Q&A session and the sharing of membership recruitment details.


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Good Night Opportunity
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