Peer-reviewed publications, journals and book chapters
- Relling, T., L?tzh?ft, M., Ostnes, R., Hildre. H,P.(2021) The contribution of Vessel Traffic Services to safe coexistence between automated and conventional vessels. Maritime Policy & Management, 1-20.
- Abeysiriwardhane, A., L?tzh?ft, M. (2020) Learning and learning-to-learn by doing: An experiential learning approach for integrating human factors into maritime design education. Maritime Technology and Research 3 (1).
- Relling, T., L?tzh?ft, M., Hildre, HP., Ostnes, R. (2020). How vessel traffic service operators cope with complexity?only human performance absorbs human performance. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 21 (4), 418-441.
- Abeysiriwardhane, A., L?tzh?ft, M., Ghosh, S. (2020) An action research and scaffolding based approach for maritime design education: a contribution towards shaping ships for people. Australian Journal of Maritime & Ocean Affairs 12 (3), 159-180
- Lutzhoft, M., Hynnekleiv, A., Earthy, J.V., Petersen, E.S. (2019) Human-centred maritime autonomy-An ethnography of the future. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1357 (1)
- Nordby, K., Mallam, S.C., L?tzh?ft, M (2019) Open user interface architecture for digital multivendor ship bridge systems. WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, 18 (2), 297-318.
- Vu, V.D., L?tzh?ft, M., Emad, G. R. (2019) Frequency of use ? The first step toward human-centered interfaces for marine navigation systems. Journal of Navigation (72), 1089-1107
- Rajapakse, A., Emad, G. R., L?tzh?ft, M., & Grech, M. (2019). A study on time constraints and task deviations at sea leading to accidents ? a cultural-historical perspective. Maritime Policy & Management, 1-17. doi:10.1080/03088839.2019.1574407
- Earthy, J., & L?tzh?ft, M. (2018). Autonomous ships, ICT and safety management. In H. A. Oltedal & M. L?tzh?ft (Eds.), Managing Maritime Safety. New York: Routledge.
- Lochner, M., Duenser, A., Lutzhoft, M., Brooks, B., & Rozado, D. (2018). Analysis of maritime team workload and communication dynamics in standard and emergency scenarios. Journal of Shipping and Trade, 3(2).
- L?tzh?ft, M., & Vu, V. D. (2018). Design for Safety. In H. A. Oltedal & M. L?tzh?ft (Eds.), Managing Maritime Safety. New York: Routledge.
- Oltedal, H. A., & L?tzh?ft, M. (2018). The human contribution. In H. A. Oltedal & M. L?tzh?ft (Eds.), Managing Maritime Safety. New York: Routledge.
- Oltedal, H. A., & L?tzh?ft, M. (Eds.). (2018). Managing Maritime Safety. New York: Routledge
- Lutzhoft, M., Brown, P., Dunham, R., & van Leeuwen, W. M. A. (2017). Maritime research. In M. G. L. Mark S. Young (Ed.), Simulators for Transportation Human Factors: Research and Practice. Boca Raton, FL: CRC press.
- Lutzhoft, M., Petersen, E.S., Abeysiriwardhane, A. (2017). The Psychology of Ship Architecture and Design. In Malcolm MacLachlan (ed). Maritime Psychology. Springer.
- Mansson, J. T., Lutzhoft, M., & Brooks, B. (2016). Joint Activity in the Maritime Traffic System: Perceptions of Ship Masters, Maritime Pilots, Tug Masters, and Vessel Traffic Service Operators. The Journal of Navigation. 70 (3), 547-560
- Abeysiriwardhane, A., L?tzh?ft, M., Petersen, E. S., & Enshaei, H. (2016). Human-centred design knowledge into maritime engineering education; theoretical framework. Australasian Journal of Engineering Education, 21(2), 49-60. doi: 10.1080/22054952.2017.1287038
- Duarte, H. O., Droguett, E. L., Martins, M. R., Lutzhoft, M., Pereira, P., & Lloyd, J. (2016). Review of Practical Aspects of Shallow Water and Bank Effects. The Transactions of The Royal Institution of Naval Architects ? Part A. International Journal of Maritime Engineering, 158(A3), 177-186.
- Luras, S., Lutzhoft, M., & Sevaldson, B. (2015). Meeting the complex and unfamiliar: lessons from design in the offshore industry. International Journal of Design, 9(2), 141-154.
- Andrews, D., Sherwood-Jones, B., Lutzhoft, M., von Ubisch, B., Ventikos, NP., Sotiralis, PI and Lloyd, CR (2015). ?What the ship designer needs from mariners and shipowners?, Improving ship operational design, The Nautical Institute, M Freeth (ed), 202 Lambeth Road, London, SE1 7LQ, United Kingdom, pp. 17-28. ISBN 9781906915285
- Lloyd, CR., Rasmussen, PL., Jiang, L., Lutzhoft, M., von Ubisch, B., Beeckman, Y., Di Nocera, F., Mastrangelo, S., Enshaei, H and Snider, D, ?The maritime domain (Context of use)?, Improving ship operational design, The Nautical Institute, M Freeth (ed), United Kingdom, pp. 29-46. ISBN 9781906915285
- Lutzhoft, M (2015) ?The human mind?, Human performance and limitation for mariners, The Nautical Institute, P Bartlett and M Freeth (ed), United Kingdom, pp. 21-26. ISBN 978-1-906915-34-6
- Abeysiriwardhane, A., Lutzhoft, M., & Enshaei, H. (2014). Human factors for ship design; exploring the bottom rung. International Journal of Marine Design, 156(C1), 153-159.
- Ljung, M., & Lutzhoft, M. (2014). Functions, performances and perceptions of work on ships. WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, 13(2), 231-250.
- Petersen, E. S., Nyce, J. M., & Lutzhoft, M. (2014). Interacting with Classic Design Engineering. Interacting with Computers.
- Leeuwen, W. M. A. v., Kircher, A., Dahlgren, A., L?tzh?ft, M., Barnett, M., Kecklund, G., & ?kerstedt, T. (2013). Sleep, Sleepiness, and Neurobehavioral Performance While on Watch in a Simulated 4 Hours on/8 Hours off Maritime Watch System. Chronobiol Int, 30(9), 1108-1115.
- L?tzh?ft, M., Lundh, M., & Porathe, T. (2013). Onboard Ship Management Overview System ? An Information Sharing System on Board. Intl J Marine Design, Trans RINA, Vol 155, Part C1, 17-20.
- Porathe, T., Lutzhoft, M., & Praetorius, G. (2013). Communicating intended routes in ECDIS: Evaluating technological change. Accid Anal Prev, 60, 366-370.
- Praetorius, Gesa; L?tzh?ft, Margareta (2012) Decision support for vessel traffic service (VTS): user needs for dynamic risk management in the VTS. Journal of Work, (41) s. 4866-4872.
- L?tzh?ft, M., Grech, M. G., & Porathe, T. (2011). Information Environment, Fatigue and Culture in the Maritime Domain. In P. Lucia (Ed.), Reviews of Human Factors and Ergonomics (Vol. 7). Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
- Lundh, M., L?tzh?ft, M, Rydstedt, L., Dahlman, J. (2011) Working conditions in the engine department ? A qualitative study among engine room personnel on board Swedish merchant ships. Applied Ergonomics, 42, 384-390.
- Petersen, E. S., Nyce, J., L?tzh?ft, M. (2011) Ethnography re-engineered: the two tribes problem. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, Volume 12, Issue 6, 496-509.
- Lundh, M., L?tzh?ft, M., Rydstedt, L., Dahlman, J. (2010) Evacuation in Practice ? Observations from Five Full Scale Exercises. WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, 9 (2)
- L?tzh?ft, M., Dahlgren, A., Kircher, A. Thorslund, B., Gillberg, M. (2010) Fatigue at Sea in Swedish Shipping-A Field Study. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 53 (7), 733-740.
- L?tzh?ft, M., Nyce, J., Petersen, E. S. (2010) Epistemology in ethnography: assessing the quality of knowledge in human factors research. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 11 (6), 532-545.
- L?tzh?ft, M., & Lundh, M. (2009). Maritime Application of Control Systems. In T. Iverg?rd & B. Hunt (Eds.), Handbook of Control Room Design and Ergonomics ? A Perspective for the Future. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
- Bergstr?m, J., Dahlstr?m, N., Van Winsen, R., L?tzh?ft, M., Dekker, S., & Nyce, J. (2009). Rule- and Role-retreat: An empirical study of procedures and resilience. Journal of Maritime Research, IV(1), 75-90.
- Bruno, K., & L?tzh?ft, M. (2009). Shore-based pilotage: Pilot or autopilot? Piloting as a control problem. Journal of Navigation, 62(3).
- Nilsson, R., G?rling, T., & L?tzh?ft, M. (2009). A Study of Advanced Decision Support System for Ship Navigation. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 12(3), 188-197.
- L?tzh?ft, M., & Nyce, J. M. (2008). Integration work on the ship?s bridge. Journal of Maritime Research, V(2), 55-70.
- L?tzh?ft, M., Thorslund, B., Kircher, A., & Gillberg, M. (2007). Fatigue at sea: A field study in Swedish shipping (No. VTI rapport 586A). Link?ping: VTI.
- L?tzh?ft, M.H., & Nyce, J.M. (2006). Piloting by heart and by chart. Journal of Navigation, 59(2).
- Dekker, S. and L?tzh?ft, M. (2004). Correspondence, Cognition and Sensemaking: A Radical Empiricist View of Situation Awareness. In S. Banbury and S. Tremblay (Eds.), A Cognitive Approach to Situation Awareness: Theory and Application. (pp. 22-41) Aldershot: Ashgate.
- L?tzh?ft, M. (2002). Studying the Effects of Technological Change: Bridge Automation and Human Factors. Ortung und Navigation, 2, 107-113.
- L?tzh?ft, M.H. and Dekker, S.W.A. (2002). On Your Watch: Automation on the Bridge. Journal of Navigation, 55(1), 83-96. Presented with best Journal paper 2002 award by Royal Institute of Navigation.
Conference papers, posters and edited proceedings
- Danielsen, B.E., L?tzh?ft, M., Porathe, T. (2021) Still Unresolved After All These Years: Human-Technology Interaction in the Maritime Domain. International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, 463-470.
- Veitch, E., Hynnekleiv, A., L?tzh?ft, M. (2020) The operator?s stake in shore control centre design: A stakeholder analysis for autonomous ships. Paper presented at the RINA Human Factors in Ship Design & Operation, London.
- Relling, T., L?tzh?ft, M., Ostnes, R., & Hildre, H. P. (2018). A Human Perspective on Maritime Autonomy. Paper presented at the International Conference on Augmented Cognition/HCI International 2018, 15-20 July, Las Vegas, Nevada.
- Porathe, T., Lutzhoft, M. (2018) A harmonized display of e-navigation information: Workload and navigational control; Contextual control levels. RINA ? Human Factors in Ship Design and Operation Conference, London, UK.
- G Berner, R Hopcraft, J Scanlan, MH Lutzhoft, J Earthy (2018) A Virtual Teams model for supporting maritime technology management. RINA ? Human Factors in Ship Design and Operation Conference, London, UK.
- S?rensen, L., L?tzh?ft, M., Earthy, J.V. (2018) SOLAS V/15 ? BRIDGING DESIGN AND WORK. RINA ? Human Factors in Ship Design and Operation Conference, London, UK.
- Berner, G.,M Lutzhoft, M., Scanlan, J. (2017) Maritime Cyber Security-Hacking on the High Seas. The Marine Electrical and Control Systems Safety Conference.
- Man, Y., L?tzh?ft, M., Costa, N. A., Lundh, M., & MacKinnon, S. N. (2018). Gaps Between Users and Designers: A Usability Study About a Tablet-Based Application Used on Ship Bridges. In N. A. Stanton (Ed.), Advances in Human Aspects of Transportation. Proceedings of the AHFE 2017 International Conference on Human Factors in Transportation. Los Angeles, California, USA: Springer.
- Abeysiriwardhane, A., Lutzhoft, M., Petersen, E. S., & Enshaei, H. (2016). Incorporate Good Practice into Ship Design Process; Future Ship Designers meet End Users. Paper presented at the ERGOSHIP 2016: Shaping Shipping For People, Melbourne, Australia, 6-7 April.
- Grech, M.R:, Lutzhoft, M. (2016) Challenges and opportunities in user centric shipping: developing a human centred design approach for navigation systems. Proceedings of the 28th Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction
- Mansson, J. T., Lutzhoft, M., & Brooks, B. (2015). Distributed Team Mental Model Similarity in Maritime Simulation. Paper presented at the 19th Triennial Congress of the IEA Melbourne.
- Abeysiriwardhane, M. L?tzh?ft, E. S. Petersen and H. Enshaei. (2015) Future ship designers and context of use: Setting the stage for Human Centred Design. Marine Design 2015, 2-3 September 2015, London, UK
- Dunham, R, Lutzhoft, M and Brooks, B. 2015) ?Research using marine bridge simulators ? How well do the results translate into real world operations??, Proceedings of the 16th Annual General Assembly of the International Association of Maritime Universities, 7-10 October, Opatija, Croatia, pp. 51-56. ISBN 978-953-165-116-5
- Costa, N. A., & L?tzh?ft, M. (2014). The values of ergonomics in ship design and operation. Paper presented at the RINA Human Factors in Ship Design & Operation, London.
- Rigaud, Eric; L?tzh?ft, Margareta; Kircher, Albert; Schr?der-Hinrichs, Jens-Uwe; Baldauf, Michael; Jenvald, Johan; Porathe, Thomas (2012) Impact: More Than Maritime Risk Assessment. Procedia ? Social and Behavioral Sciences, 48 p. 1848?1854.
- Porathe, Thomas; L?tzh?ft, Margareta; Praetorius, Gesa (2012) What is your intention? Communicating routes in electronic nautical charts. Procedia ? Social and Behavioral Sciences. 48 p. 3266-3273
- L?tzh?ft, Margareta; Ringsberg, Jonas (2012) Research, design, and operations. The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME) ? Marine Technology, April 2012 s. 80-83
- Dahlgren, A.; Van Leeuwen, W.; Kircher, Albert; L?tzh?ft, Margareta; Barnett, M.; Kecklund, G.; Akerstedt, T. (2012) Sleep and fatigue in bridge officers working 6 h on and 6 h off ? a simulator study. Journal of Sleep Research. 21 (Special Issue: SI Supplement: 1) s. 331-331
- Van Leeuwen, W. M. A.; Pekcan, C.; Barnett, M.; Gatfield, D.; L?tzh?ft, Margareta; Kecklund, G.; Akerstedt, T. (2012) The effects of a 6 h on/6 h off maritime watch system on sleep and sleepiness using bridge and engine room simulators. Journal of Sleep Research. 21 (Special Issue: SI Supplement: 1) s. 332-332. ISSN 0962-1105
- Donofrio, P.; Dahlgren, A.; Barnett, M.; L?tzh?ft, Margareta; Kircher, Albert; Gillberg, M.; Kecklund, G.; Akerstedt, T. (2012) The effects of a 6 h on/6 h off maritime watch system on sleep. Journal of Sleep Research. 21 (Special Issue: SI Supplement: 1) s. 268-269. ISSN 0962-1105
- Van Leeuwen, W. M. A.; Kircher, Albert; Dahlgren, A.; L?tzh?ft, Margareta; Barnett, M.; Kecklund, G.; Akerstedt, T. (2012) Sleep and sleepiness while on watch in a simulated ?4 h on/8 h off? maritime watch system. Journal of Sleep Research. 21 (Special Issue: SI Supplement: 1) s. 331-331. ISSN 0962-110
- Kircher, Albert; L?tzh?ft, Margareta (2011) Performance of Seafarers During Extended Simulation Runs. RINA ? Human Factors in Ship Design and Operation
- Van Leeuwen, W; Dahlgren, Anna; Kircher, Albert; L?tzh?ft, Margareta; Barnett, M; Kecklund, G; ?kerstedt, T, (2011) Comparing subjective and objective sleepiness between the two most common maritime watch systems: a bridge simulator study. 20th International Symposium on Shiftwork and Working Time.
- Kircher, Albert; van Westrenen, Fulko Cornelis; S?derberg, H?kan; L?tzh?ft, Margareta (2011) Behaviour of deck officers with new assistance systems in the maritime domain. HFES ? Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Europe Chapter Conference. October 19-21, 2011, Leeds, UK
- Praetorius, Gesa; L?tzh?ft, Margareta (2011) ?Safety is everywhere? ? The constituents of maritime safety. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 55th Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, HFES 2011 Las Vegas, NV 19 September 2011 through 23 September 2011. p. 1798-1802
- Dahlgren, Anna; Van Leeuwen, Wessel; Kircher, Albert; L?tzh?ft, Margareta; Kecklund, G?ran; Barnett, Mike; ?kerstedt, Torbj?rn (2011) Fatigue and sleepiness in seafarers working in a 6-on 6-off shift system ? results from one week of simulated navigation work. 20th International Symposium on Shiftwork and Working Time. Stockholm, Sweden, 2011, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Van Leeuwen, W; Kircher, Albert; Dahlgren, Anna; L?tzh?ft, Margareta; Barnett, M; Kecklund, G; ?kerstedt, T
(2011) Subjective and objective sleepiness in a simulated ?4 hours on/8 hours off? maritime watch system. 20th International Symposium on Shiftwork and Working Time. Stockholm, Sweden, 2011, Stockholm, Sweden - Petersen, Erik Styhr; Porathe, Thomas; L?tzh?ft, Margareta (2011) Usability Heuristics: Friend or Foe in Maritime Navigation Instrument Design? Proceedings of ISIS 2011, Hamburg, Germany
- Praetorius, Gesa; Lundh, Monica; L?tzh?ft, Margareta (2011) Learning from the past for pro-activity ? A re-analysis of the accident of the MV Herald of Free Enterprise. Proceedings of the fourth Resilience Engineering Symposium, June 8-10, 2011, Sophia Antipolis. p. 217-225
- Petersen, Erik Styhr; Dittman, Kjeld; L?tzh?ft, Margareta (2010) Making the Phantom Real: A Case of Applied Maritime Human Factors. Proceedings of SNAME SOME 2010.
- L?tzh?ft, Margareta; Porathe, Thomas; Jenvald, Johan; Dahlman, Joakim (2010) System Simulations for Safety. Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Performance at Sea 2010. 3-10
- Praetorius, G., Bruno, K. L?tzh?ft, M. (2010)Enacting Reliability: First Steps to Define Safety in the VTS Domain. Proceedings of HPAS 2010, International Conference on Human Performance at Sea
- Praetorius, G., Bruno, K., L?tzh?ft, M. (2010) The context matters: Maritime safety in the Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) Domain. Reliability, Risk and Safety. Back to the Future (Proceedings of ESREL 2010)
- Br?dje, A., L?tzh?ft, M., Dahlman, J., (2010) The Whats, Whens, Whys and Hows of VTS Operator use of Sensor Information. Proceedings of International Conference on Human Performance at Sea. 161-172
- Praetorius, G., L?tzh?ft, M. (2009) The Subject, not just an object: Safety construction in the Vessel Traffic Service Domain. HFES European Chapter Annual Meeting 2009.
- Prison, J., M. L?tzh?ft, et al. (2009). Ship sense ? what is it and how does one get it? RINA Human Factors in Ship Design and Operation Conference, 25-25 February, London.
- Petersen, E. S., & L?tzh?ft, M. (2009). A Human Factors Approach to the Design of Maritime Software Applications. Paper presented at the RINA Human Factors in Ship Design & Operation, 25-25 February, London.
- L?tzh?ft, M., & Bruno, K. (2009). Talk and trust before technology: First steps toward shore-based pilotage. Paper presented at the RINA Human Factors in Ship Design and Operation Conference, 25-26 February 2009, London, U.K.
- Jacobson, E. and M. L?tzh?ft (2008). Developing User Needs for S-Mode. NAV08-ILA37 International Navigation Conference, London, 28-30 October.
- ?sterman, C., & L?tzh?ft, M. (2008). Another day, another dollar ? Cost-benefit of Human Factors in Shipping. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 27th European Annual Conference on Human Decision-Making and Manual Control (EAM 2008), 11-13 June, Delft, The Netherlands.
- L?tzh?ft, M. (2008). Fatigue at sea: effects of the two-watch system. Paper presented at the 1st International Ship-Port-Interface Conference ? The Human Element, ISPIC 2008.
- L?tzh?ft, M., & Dukic, T. (2007). Show me where you look and I?ll tell you if you?re safe: Eye tracking of maritime watchkeepers. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 39th Nordic Ergonomics Society Conference, Lysekil, Sweden.
- Dukic, T., L?tzh?ft, M., & Dahlman, J. (2007). Eye tracking of maritime watch-keepers: What?s safe navigation pattern? Paper presented at the 14th European Conference on Eye Movements August 19-23, Potsdam, Germany
- Nilsson, R., L?tzh?ft, M., & G?rling, T. (2007, 20-22 June). Fairway Navigation ? Observing Safety-Related Performance in a Bridge Simulator. Paper presented at the 7th International Navigational Symposium on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation: Trans-Nav 2007, Gdynia, Poland.
- Andersson, M., & L?tzh?ft, M. (2007, 21-22 March). Engine Control Rooms ? Human Factors. Paper presented at the RINA Human Factors in Ship Design, Safety & Operation IV, London.
- L?tzh?ft, M., Sherwood Jones, B., Earthy, J. V., & Bergquist, C. (2007, 21-22 March). MTO-Sea: Competent Cadets Make Safer Systems. Paper presented at the RINA Human Factors in Ship Design, Safety & Operation IV, London.
- L?tzh?ft, M, Sherwood Jones, B and Earthy, J.V. (2006) Making Safety by Tying the Knot: Examining Resilience in Shipping. Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on Resilience Engineering. Juan-les-Pins, France, November 8-10 2006.
- L?tzh?ft, M. and Koester, T. (2006). Collection of Human Factors Data in the Maritime Domain: Constraints and Possibilities. Proceedings of IEA 2006: 16th World Congress on Ergonomics. Maastricht, July 10-14 2006.
- L?tzh?ft, M. and Hedenskog, ?. (2006). Turning safely against the wind: a systems view of shipping safety. Proceedings of MT conference: 3rd International Conference Maritime Transport 2006. Barcelona, May 16-19 2006.
- L?tzh?ft, M., & Gillberg, M. (2005). Fatigue at sea. Proceedings of EAM, 24th Annual European Conference on Human Decision Making and Manual Control, Athens, 17-19 October 2005.
- Blomberg, O. L?tzh?ft, M.H., and Nyce, J.M. (2005) AIS and the Loss of Public Information. Proceedings of COMPIT conference: 5th International EuroConference on Computer Applications and Information Technology in the Maritime Industries. Hamburg, 8-11 May 2005.
- L?tzh?ft, M.H. (2005) Human Integration of bridge technology. Proceedings of RINA conference Human Factors in Ship Design, Safety and Operation. London, Feb. 23-25 2005.
- L?tzh?ft, M. and Kiviloog, L. (2003). Sj?fartsdagen 2003: Kommenterade voteringsresultat. ?ngfartygsbef?lhavare-s?llskapet i Stockholm. Link?pings Universitet: IAV/IKP.
- L?tzh?ft, M.H. (Ed.). (2003). Proceedings of EAM 2003, the 22nd European Conference on Human Decision Making and Manual Control. University of Link?ping, Link?ping, Sweden, June 2-4 2003
- L?tzh?ft, M (2003) How Navigation Systems are Used ? Data from Field Studies and Implications for Design. Proceedings of The Nautical Institute Conference Integrated Bridge Systems and the Human Element, London, 16-17 September 2003.
- L?tzh?ft, M (2002) Studying the effects of technological change: bridge automation and Human Factors. Proceedings of ISIS 2002, (International symposium, information on ships), Hamburg, September 2002.
- L?tzh?ft, M. (2001). Automation och den m?nskliga faktorn. Proceedings of Man and Technology in Shipping Research Seminar. Gothenburg, June 2001.
- Chressman, C., Lindstr?m, D., L?tzh?ft, M. (2001) The Artificial Horizon in Aircraft ? Implications of Roll Index Position. Proceedings of the annual conference on Human Factors in Aviation, Link?ping, Sweden: Swedish Centre for Human Factors in Aviation, Link?ping Institute of Technology, 2001.
- L?tzh?ft, M., Susi, T. (1999) ACTA ? till?mpad kognitiv uppgiftsanalys. Proceedings of the annual conference on Human Factors in Aviation, Link?ping, Sweden: Swedish Centre for Human Factors in Aviation, Link?ping Institute of Technology, 1999.
Unpublished thesis
- L?tzh?ft, M.H. (2004). ?The technology is great when it works?: Maritime Technology and Human Integration on the Ship?s Bridge. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Link?ping University, Link?ping. Available at:
- L?tzh?ft, M. (2000). Self-organised communication in autonomous agents: A critical evaluation of artificial life models. Unpublished M.Sc. thesis. HS-IDA-MD-00-008, University of Sk?vde, Sk?vde.
- L?tzh?ft, M. (1999) ACTA ? till?mpad kognitiv uppgiftsanalys. II: Utv?rdering av tabell ?ver kognitiva krav (CDT) (In Swedish). HFA degree project report. HFA Ex 1999-02. Link?ping, Sweden: Swedish Centre for Human Factors in Aviation, Link?ping Institute of Technology.