Department of Marine Engineering - Faculty of Engineering, KDU

LCdr (E) MCH Chandrasiri

BSc (Hons) in Marine Engineering, AMIE (SL), AMIE (I), CEng (I)
Lecturer (Probationary)
  • Qualifications
  • Qualifications

    • Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering (Hons) – General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, 2016 (Second upper class merit)
    • Engine Room Watch Keeping Course – On board ICGS Samrat (Indian Coast Guard Ship, Mumbai India), 2017
    • Marine propulsion control technology course – Military Institute of Technology, Pune, India, 2018
    • Marine Engineering Specialization Course – Centre of Marine Engineering Technology, INS Shivaji, Lonavala, India, 2018
    • Type training course on Arneson Surface Drive (ASD) Propulsion system onboard P 444 series FACs – SLN Dockyard, 2020
    • Type training course on Deutz TBD 620 V 16 Marine Diesel Engine (Major overhauling (E 70) of both M/Es of P 433) – Deutz Workshop, SLNS Thakshila, 2019  
    • Type training course on MTU 4000 series diesel engine Major Overhauling (QL4) of both M/Es of P 4444 – MTU Workshop, SLN Dockyard, 2021
    • Type training course on RO Plants Acquaintance course – SLNS Uththara, KKS, 2018
    • Training on Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear (CBRN) Incident Response Course – Special Task Force Training School, Katukurunda, 2020
  • Teaching Areas
  • Teaching Areas

    • Small Craft Powering
    • Ship Structures
  • Research Areas
  • Research Areas

    • Marine renewable energy
    • Innovations and new constructions to Marine Vehicle Industry
    • Characteristics of planing hull of ships /craft
    • Ship Energy Efficiency
  • Publications
  • Publications

    • Design and Develop an E-Rickshaw as a Sustainable Energy Solution, MCP Dissanayake, KREMSB Ekanayaka, RDMHM Ariyarathne and MCH Chandrasiri (Paper ID – 399, 16th International Research Conference – KDU, 2023)
    • Assess the performance of Sri Lanka Navy built Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis Plants in Chronic Kidney Disease of unknown etiology impacted areas in Sri Lanka, MCP Dissanayake, NVL De Silva,  MCH Chandrasiri (Paper ID – 189, 16th International Research Conference – KDU, 2023)
  • Working Experience
  • Working Experience

    • Marine Engineer (Fast Attack Craft), under the staff of Commodore Superintendent Dockyard (North), SLNS Uththara, Kankesanthurai (01-07-2018 to 29-06-2019)
    • Marine Engineer (Fast Gun Boat) Workshop, under the staff of Commodore Superintendent Dockyard (East), SLN Dockyard, Trincomalee (30-06-2019 to 21-10-2021)
    • Assistant Engineer Officer onboard Advanced Offshore Patrol Vessel SLNS Sayurala (22-10-2021 to 24-01-2023)
  • Memberships
  • Memberships

    • Chartered Engineer –           Institution of Engineers India
    • Associate Member –           Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka
    • Associate Engineer –           Engineering Council Sri Lanka
    • Associate Member –           Institution of Engineers India
  • Awards
  • Awards

    • Best Poster Presentation award at Engineering session, 16th International Research Conference – KDU, 2023 for “Design and Develop an E-Rickshaw as a Sustainable Energy Solution”