- BTech in Mechanical Engineering - Naval College of Engineering, INS Shivaji, India affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru University, 2010 - 2013
- Engine Room Watch Keeping course - On board SLNS Suranimila, 2014
- In plant training - Colombo Dockyard PLC , 2015
- Engine Room Watch Keeping course - On board Indian Naval Ship Sandhayak, Visakhapatnam, India 2017
- Marine Propulsion Control Technology course - Military Institute of Technology, Pune, India, 2017
- Marine Engineering Specialization course - Centre of Marine Engineering Technology, INS Shivaji, India, 2018
- Type training course on Cummins 6BTA 5.9 Engine major overhaul - SLNS Dakshina, 2015
- Type training course on shaft alignment - SLN Dockyard, 2015
- Type training course on Yanmar 6LY2ASTP Engine major overhaul - SLNS Pandukabhaya, 2020