- Bachelor of Science (Defence Studies) in Marine Engineering ? General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, 2002.
- Watch Keeping certificate ? SLNS Nandimithra , 2003
- Watch Keeping certificate ? INS Tir (Kochi), 2004.
- Marine Engineering Specialization Course ? Lonavla, Maharashtra, India, 2005.
- Engine Room Simulator Course (Operation Level) ? Lal Bahadur Shastri College of Advanced Maritime Studies & Research, 2004.
- Standard Nuclear, Biological, Chemical, and Damage Control Course ? INS Shivaji, 2004.
- Marine Propulsion Control Technology ? Institute of Armament Technology, 2005
- Major overhauling Main and Auxiliary Engine of Chinese Fast Gun Boats, SL Navy .2005
- Major overhauling of Cummins B series Engine ,TPL Sri Lanka 2006
- Major overhauling of Yanmar 6LY2A-STP Engine Yanmar Asis(S) Corpn Pte Ltd Singapore
- THORDON bearing Training Course ?Colombo Dockyard PLC -2006
- Hazardous Material Handling (Advanced) Course ? Lanka Academy of Technological Studies (Pvt)Ltd, 2012.
- Maritime Environmental Officer Training Including Marpol Course ? Lanka Academy of Technological Studies (Pvt)Ltd, 2012.
- Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Convention ? Lanka Academy of Technological Studies (Pvt)Ltd, 2012.
- Introduction to Merchant Ship Stability Course ? Lanka Academy of Technological Studies (Pvt)Ltd, 2013.
- Training Course on Standards of Training Certification and Watch keeping Course ? Lanka Academy of Technological Studies (Pvt)Ltd, 2013
- Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting Course ? Lanka Academy of Technological Studies (Pvt)Ltd, 2013.
- Certificate of Proficiency as Ship Security Officer Course ? Lanka Academy of Technological Studies (Pvt)Ltd, 2013.
- Personal Survival Techniques ? Lanka Academy of Technological Studies (Pvt)Ltd, 2013.
- Quality Management Course ? Sri Lanka Standards Institution, 2013.
- Chartered Engineer & Member ? The Institution of Engineers India, 2012.
- Boiler Controller Certificate Classs II (Two) Operating pressure up to 100 psi
- Boiler Controller Certificate Classs I (One) Operating pressure up to 250 psi
- Master of Business Administration in Management of Technology ? University of Moratuwa, 2022.