Department of Civil Engineering - Faculty of Engineering, KDU

Mr. GA Thusitha

Lecturer (Probationary)
  • Qualifications
  • Qualifications

    • B.Sc.Eng (First Class Honours) in Civil Engineering, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka (2019)
  • Teaching Areas
  • Teaching Areas

    • Structural Engineering and Design
  • Research Interests
  • Research Interests

    • Use of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) for Structural Retrofitting
    • Structural Health Monitoring
    • Deformation Monitoring of Structures
  • Publications
  • Publications

    Indexed Journal Publications

    • Pushpakumara, B.H.J., Thusitha, G.A. 2020 ‘Development of a Priority Weight based Green Building Rating Model’, paper published in American Society of Civil Engineers’, Journal of Architectural Engineering, 15 December 2020. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)AE.1943-5568.0000465


    International Conferences

    • Thusitha, G.A., Pushpakumara, B.H.J. 2020 ‘Priority Weight Based Green Building Rating Model for Existing Buildings”, paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment (ICSBE) 2020, 10th – 12th December 2020 at Earl’s Regency Hotel, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
    • Thusitha, G.A., Kulathunga, D.D.T.K. 2019 ‘Use of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) For Retrofitting of Steel Bridges in Sri Lanka’, paper presented at ICSECM 2019, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 14 December – 15 December 2019.
    • Thusitha, G.A., Pushpakumara B.H.J., Dharmakeerthi, A.G.N.B., Lakmal, A.H. 2019 ‘Development of Green Building Rating Model for Existing Buildings’, paper presented at 113th Annual Sessions IESL, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 17 October – 18 October 2019.
    • Sawmika, H.P.M.S., Thusitha, G.A., Samarakoon, M.B. 2019 ‘Impact of Land Use on Water Quality of Kelani River’, paper presented at 12th International Research Conference, Ratmalana, Sri Lanka, 11 September – 12 September 2019.
  • Experience
  • Experience

    • Trainee Site Engineer at the Project Management Division II of Access Engineering PLC from June 2017 to December 2017.
    • Temporary Instructor of Department of Civil Engineering of Faculty of Engineering of General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University from March 2019 to March 2021.