Department of Civil Engineering - Faculty of Engineering, KDU

Dr. RP Kumanayake

Senior Lecturer Gr I
  • Qualifications
  • Qualifications

    Academic Qualifications

    • PhD in Engineering (specialization: Construction Management), School of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, People’s Republic of China (2018)
    • MBA, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Colombo (2003)
    • BSc. Engineering (Hons), Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa (1997)
    • Certificate in Teaching in Higher Education (CTHE), Staff Development Center, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University (2015).

    Professional Qualifications and Affiliations

    • Associate Member, Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka (IESL).
    • Associate Engineer (AEng), Engineering Council of Sri Lanka
    • Member, Institute of Environmental Professionals Sri Lanka (IEPSL)
    • Member, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS).
    • Green Associate Professional, Green Building Council of Sri Lanka (GBCSL).
    • Member, Central Alumni Association of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), China.
    • Member, Sri Lanka Association for Improving Higher Education Effectiveness (SLAIHEE)
  • Teaching Areas
  • Teaching Areas

    • Engineering Economics
    • Construction Planning
    • Construction Management
    • Sustainable Design and Construction
    • Project Management
    • Construction Technology
  • Research Interests
  • Research Interests

    • Construction Management
    • Sustainability of buildings
    • Green buildings
    • Lifecycle Assessment
    • Building energy and carbon emissions
    • Sustainable Materials
    • Engineering Education
  • Publications
  • Publications


    • R.P. Kumanayake, Research on the Method of Assessing Building Life Cycle Carbon Emission: A Sri Lankan Case Study, PhD Thesis, School of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, People’s Republic of China (2018).
    • R.P. Kumanayake, Wave Overtopping of Vertical Seawalls, B.Sc. Eng. (Hons) undergraduate Thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa (1997).

    Indexed & Refereed Journal Papers (Web of Science- SCI & ESCI) 

    • Ramya Kumanayake, Hanbin Luo, A tool for assessing life cycle CO2 emissions of buildings in Sri Lanka, Building and Environment. 128 (2018) 272-286.
    • Ramya Kumanayake, Hanbin Luo, Natali Paulusz, Assessment of material related embodied carbon of an office building in Sri Lanka, Energy and Buildings. 166 (2018) 250-257.
    • Ramya Kumanayake, Hanbin Luo, Development of an automated tool for buildings’ sustainability assessment in early design stage, Procedia Engineering. 196 (2017) 903-910. http://doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2017.08.023
    • Ramya Kumanayake, Hanbin Luo, Life cycle carbon emission assessment of a multi-purpose university building: A case study of Sri Lanka, Frontiers of Engineering Management (2018), 5(3): 381-393.
    • Ramya Kumanayake, Hanbin Luo, Cradle-to-gate life cycle assessment of energy and carbon of a residential building in Sri Lanka, Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka (2018), 46(3): 355-367.
    • Malindu Sandanayake, Ramya Kumanayake, Achini Peiris, Environmental impact assessments during construction stage at different geographic levels- a cradle-to-gate analysis of using sustainable concrete materials, Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management (2021),  29 (4): 1731-1752.
    • Kuruvachalil, Lujain, Malindu Sandanayake, Ramya Kumanayake, and Radhakrishna. 2022. Carbon Emission and Cost Analysis of Using Hybrid Fibre White Topping Overlays—A Road Rehabilitation Feasibility Study, Future Transportation (2022), 2(1): 263-280

    Refereed Journal papers

    • DHR Lakshan,  RP Kumanayake, Labour productivity of large-scale building construction projects in Sri Lanka: Perspective of project management staff, Journal of Advances in Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, KDU. 2022, 1(1): 7-14
    • AK De Silva, RP Kumanayake, Risk analysis of construction projects in the perspective of contractors, Journal of Advances in Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, KDU. 2023, 2(1): 32-43

    Refereed Conference Papers/Abstracts

    • Kumanayake, RP, Luo, HB, Development of an automated tool for buildings’ sustainability assessment in early design stage, Creative Construction Conference (CCC-2017), Premosten, Croatia, 19-22 June 2017
    • Kumanayake RP, Luo HB, Bandara, RMPS, A conceptual tool for assessing building life cycle carbon emissions in the context of Sri Lanka, 111th Annual Sessions of the Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka, Colombo, 23-24 October 2017
    • Kumanayake, RP, Establishing embodied carbon coefficients for building materials in Sri Lanka, 10th International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management (ICSECM), Kandy, Sri Lanka, Colombo, 12-14 December 2019
    • Kumanayake, RP, Embodied carbon emission profile of buildings: A Sri Lankan case study, 75th Annual Scientific Sessions, Sri Lanka Association for Advancement of Science (SLAAS), Colombo, Sri Lanka, 8-13 December 2019
    • Kumanayake RP & Bandara RMPS, Building Information Modelling (BIM): How it Improves Building Performance, International Symposium on Ensuring National Security Through Reconciliation & Sustainable Development, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka, 22- 23 August 2012 
    • Bandara RMPS, Kumanayake RP & Kanthi JK, Energy Performance Analysis of the Cafeteria Building of a Sri Lankan University through Energy Modelling, 105th Annual Sessions of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka, (IESL), 22-25 October 2011
    • Saparamadu, KDCIS, Kumanayake RP, Causes and effects of delays in high rise building projects in Sri Lanka,114th Annual Sessions of the Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka, Colombo, 6th August 2021
    • Ganegoda, P, Kumanayake, RP, Improving water use efficiency of a residential building through introduction of green features. 11th International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment (ICSBE2020), 10-12 December 2020
    • Bandara, NHMWWDS, Kumanayake, RP, Incorporating green building features to enhance water use efficiency of the new building of Lady Ridgeway Children’s Hospital. 11th International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment (ICSBE2020), 10-12 December 2020
    • Withanage, RSR, Kumanayake, RP, Effects of wall materials on building sustainability : A comparison of different wall materials. International Research Conference of Uva Wellassa University, 19-20 July 2020
    • Fernando, WCDK and Kumanayake RP, Implementing Outcome Based Education through Problem Based Learning : A Case Study of Kotelawala Defence University, International Research Conference on Expanding Developmental Horizons through Education, Research and Innovation, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka, 21st-22nd August 2014 
    • Bandara RMPS and Kumanayake RP, Investigation of the Instantaneous Thermal Efficiency of a Flat Plate Solar Collector, 2nd International Symposium on Modelling the Issues and Challenges towards Sustainable Development, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, 8-12 July 2008
    • Bandara RMPS, Kumanayake RP and Jayathilake SPARS, A study to examine the possibility to upgrade the National System to eliminate the issues related to the Trade Testing conducted by the Government Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector of Sri Lanka, 1st TVET Research Convention on Research for Sustainable Reforms in Vocational Training, Colombo, 26-27 April 2005
    • Wijesinghe DD, Bandara RMPS, Kumanayake RP et al, A study to evaluate the contribution of the Government Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions in Sri Lanka for accomplishing the training requirements and upgrading occupational areas in the industrial sector, 1st TVET Research Convention on Research for Sustainable Reforms in Vocational Training, Colombo, 26-27 April 2005

    Other publications (Books, Materials for supplementary reading)

  • Awards
  • Awards

    • 1st place for Articles (English) in Creative Article Writing Competition organized by the Centre for Gender Equity and Equality, KDU (2024)
    • Honorary International Graduate Award, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, People’s Republic of China (2018)
    • Chinese Government Scholarship for Doctoral Degree at Huazhong University of Science & Technology, Wuhan, China (2015)
    • Award for the best performance in Certificate in Teaching in Higher Education (CTHE) programme 2014/2015 conducted by Staff Development Center, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University.
    • Award for the Best Civil Engineering Final Year Research Project in Water Engineering Division of the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa (1998)
    • Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) scholarship to follow “Industrial Technology Education” training program at Aichi University of Education, Japan (2010).
    • Asian Development Bank (ADB) scholarship to follow “CBT Instructional Resource Development” training program at Institute of Technical and Further Education (TAFE) NSW, Sydney, Australia (2004).


  • Working Experience
  • Working Experience

    • Senior Lecturer (Grade I), Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Ratmalana (2019 – To date).
    • Senior Lecturer (Grade II), Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Ratmalana (2013 – 2019).
    • Lecturer (Probationary), Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Ratmalana (2012 – 2013).
    • Senior Lecturer, Department of Construction Technology, Faculty of Industrial and Vocational Technology, University of Vocational Technology, Ratmalana (2009 – 2012).
    • Deputy Director (Research & Curriculum Development), National Institute of Technical Education of Sri Lanka, Ratmalana (2006 – 2009).
    • Lecturer (Civil Engineering), National Institute of Technical Education of Sri Lanka, Ratmalana, (2005– 2006).
    • Assistant Lecturer (Civil Engineering), National Institute of Technical Education of Sri Lanka, Ratmalana (2000-2005).
    • Civil Engineer, ADB funded Fisheries Sector Development Project, Ceylon Fishery Harbours Corporation (1999-2000).
    • Instructor/Research Assistant, Department of Civil Engineering University of Moratuwa (1998-1999).
  • Other
  • Other

    CPD Programmes

    • Webinar Series on “Biomimicry for Sustainability: Nature-Inspired Solutions for a Greener Future” conducted by Gap Research & Development Center and India Sri Lanka Foundation, 2024
    • Webinar “ Green Wisdom Forum on Achieving Sustainable Development Goals” conducted by Green Building Council of Sri Lanka (GBCSL), 2024
    • “Circular Economy Toolkit- TOT ” conducted by Promoting Long-term Approaches for a Sustainable, Transformative and Inclusive Circular Economy in Sri Lanka (PLASTICS) Project, organized by SwitctAsia Programme and funded by the European Union, 2024
    • IOP Trusted Reviewer Status by completion of Peer Review Excellence Training and Certification Programme, IOP Publishing, 2023
    • Training program on “Conducting Lifecycle Assessment using LCA software tools” conducted by National Cleaner Production Center (NCPC), 2023
    • University Staff Development & Training Workshop Series conducted by Sri Lanka Association for Improving Higher Education Effectiveness (SLAIHEE), 2023
    • Certificate Course on Scientific Writing organized by IESL, 2022
    • CPD Course on “Statistics for Decision Makers” organized by IESL, 2022
    • Workshop on  “Statistical Data Analysis” conducted by National Research Council (NRC) of Sri Lanka, 2022
    • Workshop on Institutional Carbon Footprint Calculation, conducted by Green Building Council of Sri Lanka (GBCSL), 2022
    • CPD course on Basic Contract administration and Project Management Tools, conducted by Central Engineering Consultancy Bureau (CECB) and Central Engineering Services (Pvt) Ltd., 2022
    • Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification Programme, organized by the Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka (IESL), 2022
    • Advanced Professional Course for Green Accreditation, conducted by Green Building Council of Sri Lanka (GBCSL), 2022
    • Train the Trainer Workshop on Green Labelling System Version 2.0 conducted by Green Building Council of Sri Lanka (GBCSL), 2022
    • Workshop on “Moving Towards Sustainable Built Environment through GreenSL Rating System Version 2.1” conducted by Green Building Council of Sri Lanka (GBCSL), 2022
    • Training Workshop on “How to Write Institutional Review/Program Review” organized by Staff Development Centre, KDU, 2022
    • Training Workshop on “Ethical issues in Research” organized by Ethical review Committee of KDU and Forum for Ethical review Committees of Sri Lanka (FERCSL), 2022
    • Workshop on “Life Cycle Assessment Tools in Sustainability Assessment of the Built Environment”, conducted by Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology (SLIIT), 2022
    • Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects, Coursera Online Course, Deep Teaching Solutions (2021)
    • “Preparing for IESL accreditation” programme conducted by Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka (IESL) in Jan. 2020
    • ‘Microsoft Project Management ‘ CPD Course conducted by the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka, 2019.
    • Green Associate Professional Training programme, Green Building Council of Sri Lanka (2018).
    • Training of Trainers Workshop on Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP), SwitchAsia project, Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment (2018).
    • “Great Engineering Orators” online CPD programme, Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka (2018).
    • AuthorAID Course in Research Writing, International Network for Availability of Scientific Publications (INASP) (2016).
    • Certificate in Teaching in Higher Education (CTHE) Programme, Staff Development Centre, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University (2015).
    • “Teacher Educator as an Educational Technologist” stand alone online course, Faculty of Education, The Open University of Sri Lanka (2010).
    • Green and Clean Technology for TVET, In-country programme of Colombo Plan Staff College for Technician Education, Manila, Philippines (2010).
    • Industrial Technology Education Training Programme, Aichi University of Education, Japan (2010).
    • APACC Accreditation of TVET Institutions in Sri Lanka, In-country programme of Colombo Plan Staff College for Technician Education, Manila, Philippines (2008).
    • Research and Survey in TVET, In-country programme of Colombo Plan Staff College for Technician Education, Manila, Philippines (2006).
    • Training Course on Research Methodology, Skills Development Project, Ministry of Skills Development, Vocational and Technical Education (2005).
    • ISO 9000:2000 Lead Auditor Training Course, Sri Lanka Standards Institution (2005).
    • CBT Instructional Resource Development programme, TAFE NSW- Sydney Institute, Australia (2004).
    • Competency Based Assessment, Ministry of Skills Development, Vocational and Technical Education (2004).
    • Video and Multi-media Learning Resources Development, Skills Development Project, Ministry of Tertiary Education and Training (2002).
    • Quality Assurance System and Quality Assurance Auditing for TVET sector, Ministry of Tertiary Education and Training (2002).
    • CBT Curriculum Development, Ministry of Tertiary Education and Training (2002).
    • Entrepreneurship Development Awareness Training Programme, Sarvodaya Economic Enterprises Development Services and Ministry of Tertiary Education and Training (2003).
    • In-country programme on Training Needs Assessment, Colombo Plan Staff College for Technician Education, Manila, Philippines (2000).
    • PC Based Instructional Applications, Swisscontact Sri Lanka (2000).
    • Simple Instructional Media, Swisscontact Sri Lanka (2000).
    • Training of Trainers-Skills, Swisscontact Sri Lanka (2000).
  • Positions Held
  • Positions Held

    • Member, Senate Standing Committee for Quality Assurance (SSCQA), KDU (April 2024 to date)
    • Chairperson, Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Faculty of Engineering, KDU (April 2024 to date)
    • Chairperson, Curriculum Development Committee (CDC), Department of Civil Engineering, KDU (April 2024- to date)
    • Deputy Editor, Journal of Advances in Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, KDU (2021 -2024)
    • Head of the Department, Department of Civil Engineering, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University (May 2019 to May 2021)
    • Vice President, Section C (Engineering, Architecture and Surveying), Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS) for 2021
    • Member, Professional Affairs Committee 2023/2024, The Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka (IESL)
    • Rapporteur, Section C , Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS) for 2020
    • Chairperson, Engineering Faculty Quality Assurance Cell (EFQAC), KDU (from Jan-May 2019)
    • Head of the Department, Department of Construction Technology, University of Vocational Technology (UNIVOTEC) (from Oct. 2009 to April 2012)

    Reviewer- International/Local Journals

    • Architectural Engineering and Design Management (Taylor & Francis Online)
    • Journal of Sustainable Cement-based Materials (Taylor & Francis Online)
    • Composite & Advanced Materials (Sage Journals)
    • Helion (Cell Press)
    • HKIE Transactions, The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
    • International Journal of Sustainable Engineering (Taylor & Francis Online)
    • Journal of Asian Architecture & Building Engineering (Taylor & Francis Online)
    • Journal of Civil Engineering & Management (VILNIUS TECH Journals)
    • RSC Sustainability (Royal Society of Chemistry)
    • Technology|Architecture+ Design (Taylor & Francis Online)
    • Frontiers in Engineering & Built Environment (Emerald Publishing)
    • Environmental Research: Infrastructure & Sustainability (IOPscience)
    • KDU Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (KDU)
    • Wood Material Science and Engineering (Taylor & Francis Online)
    • Structural Concrete (International Federation for Structural Concrete)
    • Frontiers in Engineering and Built Environment (Emerald Publishing)
    • Engineering Research Express (IOPscience)
    • Energy Exploration & Exploitation (Sage Journals)
    • International Journal of Building Pathology & Adaptation (Emerald Publishing)
    • Environmental Science: Advances (Royal Society of Chemistry)
    • Urbanization, Sanitation and Society (Emerald Publishing)
    • Progress in Rubber Plastic and Recycling Technology (Sage Journals)
    • Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal (De Gruyter, Sweden)
    • Environmental Research Letters (IOPscience)
    • IEEE Accessm (IEEE)
    • City & Built Environment (Springer)
    • Journal of Engineering, Design & Technology (Emerald Publishing)
    • Environmental Claims journal (Taylor & Francis Online)
    • Environmental Research Journal (Elsevier)
    • The Journal of Engineering (Wiley Online Library)