Department of Civil Engineering - Faculty of Engineering, KDU

Dr. NK Gunasekara

Senior Lecturer Gr II
  • Qualifications
  • Qualifications

    1. PhD, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan (2012)
    2. MSc, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan (2009)
    3. BSc in Engineering (Civil Engineering), University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka (2004)
  • Teaching Areas
  • Teaching Areas

    1. Fluid Mechanics
    2. Hydrology
    3. Construction Technology
    4. Surveying
  • Research Interests
  • Research Interests

    1. Policy evaluation to tackle climate change
    2. Climate change impact assessment
    3. The nexus between population, energy and climate change
    4. The use of remote sensing in combination with GIS to assess and monitor land use change and components of hydrologic systems
    5. River basin management and irrigation scheme management in arid/ semi arid regions
    6. Risk assessment using probability models
    7. Statistical methods: non-linear regression, cluster analysis


  • Publications
  • Publications

    Peer reviewed publications


    1. Gunasekara N.K., Al-Wardy, M.M., Al-Rawas, G.A. and Charabi, Y., 2015. Applicability of VI in arid vegetation delineation using shadow affected SPOT imagery, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Springer. 187: 454.
    2. Gunasekara N.K., Kazama, S., Yamazaki, D. and Oki, T., 2014. Water conflicts in countries with different degrees of adaptability to changes in water availability and its unequal distribution. Water Resource Management. 28(1), 169-184.
    3. Gunasekara N.K., Kazama, S., Yamazaki, D. and Oki, T., 2013. The effects of country-level population policy for enhancing adaptation to climate change. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 17, 4429-4440.
    4. Gunasekara N.K. and Kazama, S., 2011. Monitoring inequalities in irrigation supplies for sustainable irrigation management, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, JSCE, 55, S-115 – S-120. DOI:10.2208/jscejhe.67.I_115
    5. Gunasekara N.K., Kazama, S., Yamazaki, D. and Oki, T., 2010. Inequalities in water resources distributions and water related conflicts, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, JSCE, 54, 115-120.
    6. Gunasekara N.K., Kazama, S., Yamazaki, D. and Oki, T., 2009. The potentially available global water resources distributions under climate change, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, JSCE, 53, 13-18.
    7. K. Gunasekara, S. Kazama, D. Yamazaki, T. Oki, Water conflict vulnerability of Mekong countries in the near future. K. Yamamoto, H. Furumai, H. Katayama, C. Chiemchaisri, U. Puetpaiboon, C. Visvanathan and H. Satoh (Eds.), Southeast Asian Water Environmnet 5, pp.205-211, 2014.1.
    8. Nilupul Gunasekara and So Kazama, Water conflict vulnerability of regions. In G. Blöschl, K. Takeuchi, S. Jain, A. Farnleitner & A. Schumann (Eds.), Risk in water resources management, IAHS Publication (Red Book) 347, pp.267-273, 2011.

    Non-peer reviewed publications


    1. Gunasekara N.K. and Kazama,S., 2011. Water conflict vulnerability of regions. Proceedings of: Risk in water resources management. Earth on the edge: Science for a sustainable planet. XXV IUGG General Assembly. Melbourne, Australia. 267-273.
    2. Gunasekara N.K., Kazama, S., Yamazaki, D. and Oki, T., 2011. Water conflict vulnerability of Mekong countries in the near future. Conference proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment. Bangkok, Thailand. 25-32.
    3. Gunasekara N.K. and Kazama, S., 2010. Implications of water resources inequality for small scale irrigation scheme management. Poster presented at: Hydrological regime and water resources in the context of climate change. 5th Conference of Asia Pacific Association of Hydrology and Water Resources. Hanoi, Viet Nam. 352-357.
    4. Gunasekara N.K., Kazama, S., Yamazaki, D. and Oki, T., 2012. Effects of Population control policy as adaptation strategy to climate change. Annual Session of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers – Tohoku Branch. pp. II-16.
    5. Gunasekara N.K. and Kazama, S., 2011. A country classification to identify water conflicts, Annual Session of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers – Tohoku Branch, pp. II-16.
    6. Gunasekara N.K., Kazama, S., Yamazaki, D. and Oki, T., 2010. Inequality in water resources and water conflicts. Proceedings of Annual conference of Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources. pp. 14-15.
    7. Gunasekara N.K., Kazama, S., Yamazaki, D. and Oki, T., 2009. Applicability of Gini Coefficient as a quantifier of potentially available water resources distributions, Annual Conference of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, pp. II-194.
    8. Gunasekara N.K., Kazama, S., Yamazaki, D. and Oki, T., 2009. Potentially available water resources distributions of earth under climate change and their implications for water resources management, Conference of JSCE Tohoku branch, pp. 143~144 (II-25).
  • Awards
  • Awards

    1. Graduate School of Environmental Studies Incentive Prize, Tohoku University, Japan. (2011)
    2. The Japanese Government scholarship and research grant granted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MONBUKAGAKUSHO). (2010)
    3. The Social Innovation Scholarship, granted by the Akira Foundation, Japan. (2009)
    4. Mitsubishi UFJ Trust Scholarship, granted by the Mitsubishi UFJ Trust Foundation, Japan. (2008)
  • Memberships
  • Memberships

    1. Associate Member of the Institution of Engineers (IESL)
    2. Member of Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE)