Department of Civil Engineering - Faculty of Engineering, KDU

Dr. AH Lakmal

Senior Lecturer Gr I
  • Qualifications
  • Qualifications

    • Doctor of Philosophy: School of Geomatics, Liaoning Technical University, People’s Republic of China (October, 2008 – July, 2011).
    • Master of Science: Postgraduate Institute of Science, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka (December, 2004 – December, 2007)
    • Bachelor of the Science (Surveying Science): Institute of Surveying & Mapping, Sri Lanka (October, 1998 – December, 2004)
    • Certificate on Remote Sensing with Specialization in Digital Image Analysis, Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, DehraDun, India, 2008
    • Certificate on Dynamic Modelling for Landslides and Floods using GIS & RS, The International Institute of Geo information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 2006.
  • Other
  • Other


    • Member, Institution of Electrical & Electronic Engineering (Geosciences and Remote Sensing Society), United State of America
    • Member, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science, Vice President of Section C, 2012



    • Registered Surveyor (Reg. No. 20021407), Land Surveyors Council of Sri Lanka, From 2007


    Work Experience:

    • Government Surveyor, Survey Department of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka, 1998 – 2011
    • Visiting Lecturer, Department of Earth Resource, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, 2008
    • Lecturer, Institute of Surveying & Mapping, Sri Lanka, 2011 – 2012
  • Teaching Areas
  • Teaching Areas

    • Surveying & Levelling
    • Geographic Information System (GIS)
    • Cartography & Mapping
    • Remote Sensing (RS) & Photogrammetry
  • Research Interests
  • Research Interests

    • Spatio-Temporal Process Modelling
    • Location Based Services (LBS)
    • Microwave Remote Sensing.
    • Light Detection And Ranging (LIDAR) Remote Sensing
    • Generalization in Military Mapping
    • UAV utilizations for Aerial Mapping
  • Publications
  • Publications

    • Xu A. And Lakmal A.H. (2009) “Signal transmission to concurrent processes: Spatio – Temporal process model.” Proceedings of the 2009 2nd International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, CISP’09, IEEE Computer Society, USA, 356-360. Conference+Publications&queryText%3DLakmal.
    • Xu A. AndA.H. (2010) “Integration of signal transmission and concurrent processing into spatio – Temporal process modeling.” Proceedings 2nd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Computer Control, ICACC 2010. IEEE Computer Society, USA, 78-82. Conference+Publications&queryText%3DLakmal.
    • Xu A. AndA.H. (2010) “Signal transmission and concurrent processing in spatio – Temporal perspective.” WRI International Conference on Communications and Mobile Computing, CMC 2010. IEEE Computer Society, USA, 82-86. Conference+Publications&queryText%3DLakmal
    • Xu A. And Lakmal A.(2010) “Logical modeling for spatio-temporal phenomena: With the perspectives of concurrent processing and signal transmission.” Proceedings of the 2010 2nd International Conference on Future Computer and Communication, ICFCC 2010. IEEE Computer Society, USA, 248-252. Conference+Publications&queryText%3DLakmal.
    • Xu A. And Lakmal A.H. (2010) “Logical level implementation of spatio-temporal process model with concurrent processing and signal transmission techniques.” 6th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, WiCOM 2010. IEEE Computer Society, USA. Conference+Publications&queryText%3DLakmal
    • Xu A. And Lakmal A.H. (2010) “Logical Process Modeling of Spatio-Temporal Application” XXIV FIG International Congress, Sydney Australia.
    • Xu A. And Lakmal A.H. (2009) “Conceptual Framework for Spatio-Process.
    • Model” ICC2009 International Cartography Conference, Chile.
    • Xu A. And Lakmal A.H. (2009) “STPM, the spatio – temporal process model: For concurrent processes and message transmission” 30th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS2009), Beijing, China.
    • Xu A. And Lakmal A.H. (2009) “Multi-hazard risk analysis through spatio-temporal approach” The Second International Conference on Earth Observation for Global Changes (EOGC2009), Chengdu, China.
    • Kumar M., Lakmal A.H., Abeysinghe A.M.K.B. And Dadhwal V.K. (2008) ” Expert classification based land use / land cover change detection : A case study of Dehradun, India” 29th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS2008), Colombo, Sri Lanka.
    • H. (2011) “Process oriented modelling approach with ? – Calculus for spatio-temporal phenomena”, Liaoning Technical University, China. (Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation).
    • H. (2007) “Function and Financial feasibility analysis of GIS software”, Postgraduate Institute of Science, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. (Unpublished Master Dissertation).
    • Lakmal A.H. (2004) “Database for Geodetic Control Network in Sri Lanka”, Institute of Surveying & Mapping, Sri Lanka. (Unpublished Bachelor’s Degree Technical Report).
    • Lakmal A.H. (2004) “Geodetic Triangulation Task”, Institute of Surveying & Mapping, Sri Lanka. (Unpublished Bachelor’s Degree Technical Report).
  • Awards
  • Awards

    • Excellent Overseas Graduate, 2011 – Awarded by Liaoning Technical University, P.R.China.
    • Scholarship for the best performance in research activity, 2010 – Awarded by Liaoning Tianyi Corporation, Liaoning Technical University, Fuxin, P.R.China.
    • Liaoning Government Scholarship, 2008 – Awarded by Liaoning Government, Liaoning Province, P.R.China, for a Doctoral Degree.
    • Scholarship for Best Performance, 2005 – Awarded by University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 2005.